Start from the beginning

As I was thinking about it I saw he met with some guys who were wearing all black, really weird I said to myself, I went closer to them hiding behind the small wall I heard them talking, it was the guy who I hired was talking to them now I was really curious about this man his really suspicious. I heard them say, 

"Hey, here's your money for keeping an eye on that girl and giving us detail about her every movement," the guys in black said to the guy, I saw the men in black giving him some money. It made me confused why would he stalk someone and who is that girl they are talking about? I kept listening to them but their conversation further had me shook, I couldn't believe my ears. 

"That girl Y/N is now with us, the boss is very happy with your work and he gave you some extra cash," the men in black to the other guy. 

"But why does your boss want that girl, she looks very innocent," the other guy asked, 

"That's none of your concern, now that you were underground for months you should go away from here no one should know that you were the one who stabbed the Alpha's daughter Jennie following our orders," the guy in black spitted the bitter truth. 

"And also if anyone ever come to know and they find you just say that girl Linda she had hired you and asked you to kill Jennie and don't dare take our boss name now he has nothing to do with you boss got what he wanted and that's Y/N, do as I said, go now before anyone see's you," with that the boy went away and Linda had her palms over her mouth covering it, she couldn't believe what she heard, it was a whole trap but why? she had that question.  

As she was about to leave from there she heard something that made her froze on her place, 

"Wow, that was a stressful job, I think I'll be able to go back home and relax after boss kills that girl Y/N the last member of the Lee family," said one of the guys in black and the other replied,

"Your right, but honestly I feel so bad for that girl she looks so innocent, she is almost dead from all the torture she had in these three months, she is really something to bare all the pain," said the other guy in black, 

"But it's our boss who wants to take revenge on Lee family he killed the entire family but that girl Y/N was lucky enough but not until today boss is planning to kill her," their conversation was interrupted by a phone call and they immediately left from there. 

On the other hand, Linda was on her knees regretting everything she did to Y/N they were best friends and because of a misunderstanding she hated and hurt her own best friend. She couldn't get hold of herself after knowing the truth, but she thought the only way to make it right is to find and save Y/N before it's too late. 

She weakly stood up and secretly followed the guys in black, she soon found her self in woods somewhere deep in the forest she hid behind a tree when one the guy looked behind and soon they entered an abandoned house. 

She quickly thought to herself it would be risky to go in alone, so she decided to tell Taehyung about it and she rushed to Taehyung's house. 

Upon reaching his house she impatiently knocked on the door she was in a horrible state, her tears of regret didn't stop following either, she was shivering really bad, now she won't be able to forgive herself, her chain of thoughts was broken by someone opening the door. 

She looked in front only to find Jennie, 

Taehyung's P.O.V 

We were sitting in the living room discussing about the pack members and training stuff when someone kept knocking the door, Jennie immediately opened the door there was silence for some time but soon we heard a thud which made everyone look at the door. 

It was Linda who was on her knees sobbing hard, 

"Hey, Linda what happened?" I asked her, and soon everyone arrived in the living room. Jennie and mom helped Linda to get up from the floor but it was like her knees were glued to the floor, she lowered her head and said, 

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" she sobbed again, 

"Hey, what's wrong my dear why are you crying come on tell us so we can help you," mom said patting her back, 

"Jennie, T...Taehyung I...I'm really sorry," she said again but before I could say anything she spoke again making me and everyone shocked, 

"I...I know w...where Y/N is, T...Taehyung w...we need to hurry, w...we have to her," she let it out, 

"W...what do you mean?" that is the only thing I could say I don't know what to feel how to feel, I couldn't process anything, but she suddenly screamed making everyone flinch, 


Hey, my dear lovely readers, hope you enjoyed this part, I'm sorry for updating so late, Please take care of yourself, I'll try to update the next part soon. Thank you so much. 

By the way, as you know sadly this story is about to end, so I was thinking to do like oneshot type like short stories really short ones. So I need your opinion about whether I should do one-shot stories or should start another story a longer one? Please let me know your opinion, also if there is anything you would like to request me like if you want any type of a story let me know, please feel free to comment down below I'll try to fulfil anything you want me to. Thank you.💜    

THE ALPHA AND HIS UNWANTED MATE Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now