
"And that study session was actually really good. I never thought I'd be excited to learn math so much." Jimin chuckled and began his ramble while Taehyung sat at his desk, fingers working diligently to type up the end of his rough draft.

Taehyung rolled his eyes with his back to his friend, irked at the conversation that Jimin brought up on his own and decided to share. He released a silent breath and turned to his friend that way laid onto his bed, facing the ceiling as he talked for the last thirty or odd minutes.

"Jimin, its absolutely wonderful you're finally getting help in your weakest subject. But I'm trying to finish this essay." Taehyung swiveled back around in his seat, beginning to type again.

"Alright man, I'll see you at school." Jimin got up, a small smirk on his lips when he looks over to his friend, his back to him. "Don't stay up too late." He pulled his bag back on and made his way out.

Once Taehyung was certain of his departure, he leaned back in his seat and sighed, tilting his head towards the closed curtains to his right. He shook his head and got up, pulling the curtains open to spot Mihi sitting in the window with a book in her hand, her uniform still on with her legs crossed and towards the inside of her room.

Opening the window, he sighs out, leaning against the frame as he watches her turn her attention towards him.

There was a moment of silence between them, Taehyung the first to break the moment with a soft 'hi'.

"Hi." She gives him a small smile, closing the book in her hand and tossing it onto her bed towards the center of the room. "You kicked your friend out so soon?" She asked with a small laugh, looking towards the street that the two windows were perpendicular to, where she had glimpsed her neighbor's singing friend pass.

Taehyung releases a soft groan, hitting his head against the window frame. "He kept talking and I needed to focus. I'll hear more from him tomorrow, so its not a big deal." He watched as she swung her legs over the side of the window, one after the other, flashing her underwear briefly. He clears his throat and straightens up, sitting on his window as well, his legs on the inside with one folded up in front of him.

"Are you focusing well now?" Mihi grins, her legs spread slightly as she watches Taehyung's eyes drift to the fabric that met the middle of her thighs. "I figured you needed to work on your paper, so I'm surprised you're taking a break." She drifts her hand on top of her thigh, a brushing motion over her skin that drifts her uniform skirt up a little higher.

Taehyung quickly looks away and down to his sweatpants, huffing silently as he mentally scolds himself for blatantly staring at her. "I needed a minute. I felt tense, so I a breather was necessary." He laughs at his attempt to keep things vague, looking over at Mihi and raising his brow.

Mihi's fingers worked at the top buttons of her blouse, one brow cocked up as Taehyung watches attentively, her fingers stopping when the shirt opens to her cleavage. "Is there any way I can help you relax?" She asks softly, a sultry tone behind her words.

"Huh?" Taehyung's eyes widen as he looks up to Mihi, unsure if he heard right.

"Just trying to be neighborly." She provides a smile, both sweet and seductive as she leans off of her window. "Why don't you come over? I have some games we can play." She bit her lip as she watched his eyes subtly glance her over. "I've got board games, card games, video games. If none of those meet your expectations, we can make our own."

He nods his head, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he watches her swing her legs back over into her room.

"Great. Wait like fifteen minutes and let me shower and change into something more comfortable." She leans over the window and gives him a bright smile, cleavage on display. "Bring your A-Game."

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