- chapter 20 • waiter boy; useless -

Start from the beginning

He looked up from the ground to make out a tall guy with bed head hair. Kuroo.

Akaashi stumbled upwards and stood looking at him. Why was Kuroo just staring at him?

"You.. alright?" Kuroo hesitated.

"Fine.." Akaashi bluntly said, slightly squinting his eyes.

Kuroo stood there for a couple seconds, try to think of something to talk about. It slipped out.

"Are you.. doing okay?" Kuroo blurt out. He didn't mean too, of course he cared about his friend, at least he thinks so. "I mean.. your high right now. It's obvious.. you smell." He talked with his hands a bit.

Akaashi stood there, Kuroo's words were muffled to him. Standing there he sighed and walked off. Kuroo was shocked that Akaashi walked off with no conversation.

Kuroo didn't know what to do. His best friend, Bokuto, was completely down in the dumps, and Akaashi was high stumbling down the stairs. What was he suppose to do? Ask Kenma?


Akaashi finally made it down all the stairs without much commotion. Making his way out the building, he walked down the side of building. Spotting the person he saw from his window, he walked closer to get a good look.

There he was, the guy he met after saying goodbye to Bokuto. Suna Rintarō.

Suna looked up from his phone, he found himself staring at the stumbling Akaashi. Akaashi made his at over and leaned against the wall next to him.

"You seem pretty up in the clouds there." Suna bluntly spoke, puffing out a white cloud.

"Maybe.." Akaashi croaked out pulling out the pack of cigarettes hiding in his pocket.

"You're crazy." Suna chuckled to himself, lighting a new cigarette. Akaashi laughed along, sparking his smoke.

They stood there for a while. No words, just the wind making a 'woosh' sound in their ears. They calmly watched the snow melt bit by bit.

A couple smokes later Suna broke the silence, "I have spray paint." He smiled to himself.

Akaashi lifted an eyebrow and side-eyed him. Showing a glimmer of his bright teeth, he was in.


All Akaashi wanted was more adrenaline, he needed that adrenaline rush. He was addicted to that feeling rushing through his veins. Doing anything that violated any type of rule made him feel that rush.

Spray painting was another thing that made his blood boil with a rush. Watching the paint glide across the bare wall, covering it with colors, made him relax.

"You've ever spray painted before, Akaashi?" Suna interrupted the trance Akaashi was in.

"Hm, no." Akaashi said monotoned.

Suna was quiet, "You paint.. I'm guessing?"

Akaashi slowly nodded, making a big purple stripe along the wall.

The rest of the time they were both quiet. Slowly painting the back wall while the sun set. They were spraying against a back wall in an alleyway. Nobody would walk down the way, or even see it, but it was still a joy to paint on property they didn't own.

It got too dark for the two boys to see, they both closed the cans of paint. Turning on their flashlights on their phones, they looked up at the vandalized wall. Suna did this some sort of cartoon drawing, more like a sun surrounded with weed. Akaashi on the other hand was more of a nice painting, they were lavender flowers, spreading across the wall.

"I like yours.. it's pretty cool." Akaashi made small talk.

Suna lit another cigarette, inhaled and blew out the smoke. He looked at Akaashi's artwork, "Lavenders, nice." He closed his eyes and blew out more smoke.

Akaashi stood there, slightly uncomfortable. He shifted a bit and pulled out his box of cigarettes. He lit one and sighed.

"Hey.." Akaashi mumbled. Suna slightly hummed in response. "Thanks for taking me.. and letting me use the spray paint. It means a lot." He fiddled with the stick in his mouth.

Suna perked up and chuckled, "No problem man." Suna chuckled a bit from the slight 'praise' he got from Akaashi.


Akaashi stood up straight and looked at Suna in a panic, "Sorry.. I uh, have to go." He waved his hand up and stumbled out of sight.

Suna was speechless, "What in the hell is up with that dude..?" He spoke to himself in the dim alleyway. He lit another cigarette and pulled all the cans of paint into his bag, quickly getting out of there.


Akaashi was rushing down the empty sidewalk. It was dark outside now, the sun was down.

Why are you with him? I told you to not speak to anyone, be alone.

"I.. I'm sorry!" Akaashi croaked out, who was he speaking to?

I told you to be useless, Keiji.

"I don't want to be useless!" Akaashi, now running down the sidewalk, screamed at the voice in his head.



"Useless." Akaashi said robotically. "I am useless." He spoke to no one, just running down the sidewalk in the cold night.


"Is he okay..?"

"I mean, he's acting strange. But otherwise I think he's fine."

"You sure..?"




a/n: okay, okay, I realize how horrible of a plot this is. Deeply sorry, but WHY IS IT SO HARD TO WRITE NOW!? Stupid brain work already.

anywayys, have fun reading :)

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