- chapter 12 • sleep deprivation -

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"I'm so tired.." Bokuto says as he peels off his shirt.

"I can spray water on you..?" Kuroo laughs as he puts on his workout shirt. Bokuto laughed along with the bed headed guy.

"I think that would be helpful.. just don't hit my hair." Bokuto slowly says.

"You actually don't seem to well dude." Kuroo props up at looks at him. "When was the last time you slept?"

Bokuto straightened his back and looked at Kuroo. His eye bags were bigger and it seemed his eyes sparkle had died down.

"Honestly I don't remember..!" Bokuto laughed. "I mean it's been a week since.. well you know. I haven't been able to sleep at all." Bokuto slurred out.

"Dude you really need to sleep." Kuroo looked him straight in the eyes.

"Honestly.. I'll be fine." Bokuto glared at him.

"Are you drinking water at all?" Kuroo said while shoving his bag into the small locker.

"No shit Kuroo. Of course I am." Bokuto snapped. "I'm going out to the court." Bokuto said and left the stuffy locker room.

There were only five people on the court ready to practice including Bokuto and Kuroo.

"Guys ready?" The short volleyball player yelled out.

"Yes sir!" The rest of the players said, including Bokuto. Bokuto's 'yes sir!' wasn't as loud as it normally was.

The team warmed up in the gym. After running and stretching it started to get stuffy in the gym like it usually did.

"Fuck.." Bokuto whispered under his breath, wheezing for air.

Someone came over and clutched his shoulder, "Hey.. you good?" The voice said. 

"I'm.. perfectly fine.." Bokuto propped up and put his hands on his waist.

"Just checking.." He said and walked back to the other teammates.

"This is harder than I thought.." The owl head whispered. He was extremely exhausted, when was the last time he took a sip of water?

The team started to hit their serves over the net. One by one they did their jump serves and ran around the net to snatch the ball back. Now it was Bokuto's turn, he threw up the ball ran forward and jumped. He slammed the ball across the court, it hit past the line on the other side of the court.

"Duck!" He screamed out.

"You know that wasn't a cuss word!" Yaku screamed across the court.

"I know!" Bokuto yelled back laughing. The whole team laughed at the enthusiastic boy.

The rest of practice was like hell for Bokuto. His head was pounding and it felt like he was going to vomit all over himself.

"I really should have slept more.." Bokuto whispered to himself while wiping his sweat off with a towel. Bokuto felt weak, the weakest he's ever felt. His eyes dazed a bit, being blinded by the bright lights in the gym.

"You all did great!" Yaku said with a slight sarcastic tone.

"Oh shut up!" One of them said while laughing.

"I guess you guys can change.." Yaku rolled his eyes and started stepping his way towards the door. The players grouped up and made their way to the door laughing and joking around.

Bokuto lagged behind the group. Why did he feel so fuzzy? His eyes fluttered shut then popped open. He skidded his foot to make a screeching noise, the shoe stopped and he tripped. His eyes blackened and his mind went blank.

Paint || BokuAka Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora