- chapter 23 • everything is destroying me -

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It's been three weeks since Akaashi Keiji disappeared without a trace, last with Bokuto Kōtarō.


"Please tell me what happened the last time you were with him." The demanding detective asked.

Bokuto hesitated a bit, "I.. he slammed into my dorm room. I hadn't seen him in over half a year.. he was crying and.. he screamed at me that I ruined h-his life." Bokuto choked out, he felt terrible.

"It's okay Bo.." Kuroo patted his back for comfort.

"It's not okay Kuroo! Don't you fucking see it's not okay.." Bokuto slammed his hand on the table. Kuroo backed off a bit once the detective gave him a glare.

"Please, keep going.." The detective tried to push him into talking more.

Bokuto breathed in, "Honestly I was so confused.. he just screamed and screamed at me. It broke my heart seeing h-him like that, I tried to comfort him but he wouldn't take it."

"Mhm.." She wrote down a bit and signaled him to keep talking.

"I-I tried holding him.. but he got mad and pushed me away. H-He WAS ASKING FOR HELP! I COULDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Bokuto broke down right there. "T-Then he started hitting and kicking me.. I don't know what I did..!" He stuttered, slightly talking with his hands.

"Last thing I remember was me hugging him.. I woke up and he was gone.." Bokuto hung his head.

"I see.. thank you for the information Mr. Bokuto." She stood up and bowed. "We will do our utmost to find him." She walked away.

Bokuto sat there slouched in the uncomfortable chair. "Where are you Keiji?" He whispered to himself.

Kuroo stood up and patted him on the back, "We should get going Bo.."


Two days after Akaashi went missing. (flashback)


"We should go check his room, maybe he's back?" Kuroo suggested.

"Yea.. maybe." Bokuto stood up from the creaky bed.

Both of them nodded and made their way out of the dorm room and up the stairs. Bokuto still needed some help because of the wound on his left side.

Once they got up to the correct floor, they slid their feet around the floor and made it to his door.

"What if he's not in here?" Bokuto felt uneasy.

"He probably is." Kuroo looked at him and looked back at the door.

Kuroo set his hand on the hand and pushed, the door was unlocked. He pushed the heavy door open. Gasps came from both of them.

The room was a mess, scattered with papers, clothes; the bed was messy. It wasn't normal for it to be this messy, even the curtains were ripped. The worst part about it was that it smelled like weed, it poured out of the small room and clogged their noses.

"What in the name of god happened in here?" Kuroo hesitated and walked through the trash.

Bokuto was just stunned, how was it this messy?

"Well, maybe we could just look through his stuff? We might find something that could tell us where he went.." Kuroo sat on the bed.

"But he might come back.. he's only been gone two days.." Bokuto mumbled.

"You're right. Welp! We can clean it for him?" Kuroo stood up and placed his hands on his hips.

"Yea, sure." Bokuto walked in, shoving some paper to the side with his foot.

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