- chapter 20 • waiter boy; useless -

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"I need a job.." Akaashi groaned to himself while laying face down into his pillows. The stench of weed came from every inch of his dorm.

Akaashi had gradually skipped out on some his lectures, professors don't get mad that often, if you miss it, you miss it. It's not like Akaashi has mean't to skip, it's just that sometimes he's gone off a bit with the drugs.

One of the main reasons to get a job is to start providing money to get any type of drug. The other reasons are simple, food and art supplies. Even though he hasn't painted in a while, he still gets the supplies.

Whining into his pillow again, he flipped his phone on and started to search for a part-time job. Searching the web, he came across one job in particular he liked. He wasn't twenty-one yet, but there's a good chance they'll let him in.

Sitting up, he looked at all the paperwork to sign and read over. It was between either a pet shop that was ten minutes away that paid average, or a club five minutes away that paid much more. As any college student would do, he chose the club.


Working at a club wasn't as hard as he thought, since he wasn't twenty-one yet he couldn't work at the bar. He mostly served food if anyone ordered it, or helped people around, like if they got wasted.

Half the times he worked he got hit on, given some random wasted girl's number, asked what he was doing that night, anything like that. He always casually responded with multiple things, "Sorry I'm seeing someone.."; "I have a boyfriend."; That one always ticked off the ladies.

He loved seeing ladies get mad that their chance with the 'Hot Pretty Waiter' was smushed to the ground.

He didn't actually think he was that hot, people said otherwise. That was probably the main reason he was hired in the first place, he didn't have any experience with jobs at the most part. But luckily most of the people who worked there were nice enough to teach him the ropes, and how to weave around the place.


Two Months Since Akaashi and Bokuto Broke Their Friendship.


Once again Akaashi blew out a white puff of smoke out of his mouth. It was late at night again, it became a habit to always smoke at night anyways.

Winter was almost over, spring was coming.

Breathing out the stench of drugs, Akaashi coughed a bit. He got up from the messy bed and stumbled over to the window to open it. Looking out the window his eyes glimmered from the lights lighting up the world. They looked like stars, but on the ground, lights coming from the city was amazing. Being mesmerized from the lights he didn't notice the person below him.

Akaashi's dorm was on the fifth floor, he could look down and see people walking all the time.

Seeing that person made him slightly jump, he hasn't seen him in a while. Akaashi stood up from leaning over the window and steadily grabbed his lighter and pack of cigarettes.


He tried walking down the stairs carefully, that wasn't a success. He stumbled and fell a bit, maybe taking the elevator would have been a good choice.

For some odd reason he always forced himself to go down the stairs, maybe to run into someone, someone.

He was making his way down the stairs until he stumbled into someone, they came out of no where and made him stumble down the stairs. He didn't feel much pain due to the weed he smoked a couple of minutes ago.

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