- chapter 26 • imagination was key -

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If they both loved each other.. why has it been a year since Bokuto has heard from Akaashi?


Bokuto has now graduated from college, he didn't graduate to play professional volleyball. His injury was too serious, causing him to never play volleyball, only a bit. He could never play professionally, only slight movement was endured.

He now lived in his own apartment shared with Kuroo and Kenma, they all agreed that they would pay the bills together. Living with them was better than his dorm room, he got to see his friend every day.

Kenma on the other hand was still in college, but now he lived off campus with Kuroo and Bokuto.

They all haven't heard from Akaashi since, they all knew he was gone. Never to be found, alive or dead. Bokuto still had hope though, he would never release his grip on Akaashi. Kenma lost all hope, he gave up.


"I brought coffee!" Kuroo yelled through the apartment, kicking open the door.

Kenma quickly slipped out of his room and followed Kuroo to the kitchen. He pulled the coffee out of Kuroo's hand and chugged it.

Kenma gasped and choked, "DAMN! IT'S FUCKING HOT!" He screamed while slamming down the coffee.

"Well what do you expect?!" Kuroo chuckled and wrapped his hands around Kenma's waist.

Kenma glared, "I'll fucking bite you Tetsu if you don't get your hands off me."

Kuroo cracked a smile and kisses the top of Kenma's head. "But I love you.." He snuggled his nose into Kenma's head.

Quickly Kenma jumped up and slammed his head into Kuroo's nose, loosening his grip and ran away laughing.

"I have important business!" Kenma chuckled and ran away with the coffee.

"Kitten that's mean!" Kuroo held his nose in pain. Holding his head and squishing his nose, he spun in circles.

"Looks like your guy's relationship is good.." A voice chuckled behind Kuroo.

He quickly spun around to find Bokuto leaning on the counter sipping some coffee.

"Was that an act of love?!" Kuroo rolled his eyes and set his elbows on the counter, cupping his own face.

"It's Kenma's way of showing love.." Bokuto sipped his coffee.

"His way is mean." Kuroo pursed his lips.

Bokuto slightly smiled and stretched his back, cracking his neck in the process. He sighed and chugged more coffee.

"We should blast some music Bo.." Kuroo trailed off, sipping the rest of his coffee.

Bokuto nodded and opened their small fridge. "We can switch off if you want." He said while scanning the empty fridge.

"On it.." Kuroo mumbled and took out his phone, looking through it he chose a playlist. He connected his phone to the speaker and put it up to full blast.

Riptide by Vance Joy.

Bokuto heard the first line and smiled. Turning around he looked at Kuroo and grinned.

"I WAS SCARED OF DENTIST AND THE DARK!" They both screamed, smiling. They were hopping around their small kitchen rocking out to a song by Vance Joy.

The song ended and they stopped jumping a around. They laughed with their hands on their knees, breathing for air even though they couldn't stop laughing.

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