He landed in the forest, the griffin trotting to the edge. He made sure the two of them were hidden from view, before pulling the creature all the way back as they turned around.

They drove off, and he waited. After a few minutes, he heard another bang. This was his one chance. Blackjack ran forward and Nevada slipped off with a skill only achieved after ten years of rodeo. He put the codes in, the door starting to open. He mounted quickly, Blackjack running through the tunnel. Nevada's hand slapped the wall, a black handprint, and the first portion of the opening immediately closed.

"C'mon, c'mon buddy," he said, before kissing, "let's go."

Blackjack jumped, going into a low glide as the door started to close faster. It was in the mode that made it so it closed faster.

The griffin skidded to a stop just outside the end of the tunnel, just as it closed. Nevada panted, just like his animal.

He looked to the town, before clicking his tongue. Blackjack started walking where he was looking, getting into the air after only a few moments. Blackjack's claws clicked as he landed on the landing strip, walking into the dragon stables. Nevada slipped off, looking around, curiously.

He couldn't see anyone, or anything. In fact, the whole place looked abandoned. He would have guessed it was because it was night, but now he realized it was because everyone was taken. It was only the fact that there was too much dust that threw him off. He knew his family. They were annoyingly clean.

Blackjack was placed in his stall, kissing him on the beak goodnight before walking down to the mansion. There was blood in the hallway, and Nevada paused when he saw it.

His room was dirty, like he'd left it, but when he laid down in his bed he almost started to sob. Even if everything smelled like dust, he didn't care. He was finally comfortable. This was so much better than sleeping in the dirt- so much better than being in that goddamn room.

He was asleep, even though he wasn't tired.

"They were blowing shit up all night, trying to get in," Jolon yawned, Germany looking at him and nodding. He'd woken up at every strike- he was much too used to bombs meaning that you had to get up and fight, so just having to sleep through it was horrible.

The nations were eating breakfast. Because they were essentially stuck in place, it consisted of oatmeal and dried fruits. Everything else was either bad or already consumed. They obviously hadn't had the time to get their winter rations set before they were taken.

In the morning, Romania left- getting England to teleport him to do so. Japan was having a very heated (heated for him) argument with someone- that someone probably being his boss- on the phone. Belarus came into the room and gave Russia a hug.

"Happy Birthday," Illinois said, running in. He wrapped his arms around his dad's neck, "sorry I didn't get you a gift, what you wanted I couldn't find."

"That's okay," Russia replied, turning around in his seat. He spoke with a tenderness that made some of the nations flinch- they didn't know his tone could betray that, ever, and yet here he was.

York and Utah came in after, each of them giving their father a hug.

"Oh, it's your birthday today, isn't it?" France said, and Russia nodded. The Frenchman smiled, "Well then, Bon anniversaire."

"Spasibo," Russia responded. He noticed that France seemed especially happy today, and that England was pissed off more than usual, which casually meant he took it up the ass last night.

The door creaked open, and the group turned to face it. A new boy slipped in, staring at them with wide eyes.

"Nevada!" Utah cried, running up and embracing his brother, wrapping his arms around him. Nevada looked like he was about to cry, before he dried his tears with his sleeve and hugged his brother back.

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