Chapter 4

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A/N: Heyy, so even though this does not have many readers yet, I hope that the few who are reading this are enjoying this story! Just so you know, I'll probably upload one chapter every day, which is no problem as this is not my story. I already told you, but in case you forgot: This story was originally written and uploaded on Archive of our own by motleygrrrl, so check it out there if you want to communicate with the original writer. However, I wanted to give u Wattpad readers the chance to read this amazing story on Wattpad so yeah. Enjoy the fourth chapter! :)
Summary of this chapter:
In which relationships are defined, kisses are shared, embarrassment is expressed, and sexual histories are discussed.
"So tell us how it went already!"

Pansy's shrill voice was the first thing Draco heard when he opened the door to the dorm he shared with Blaise. She was sprawled across Draco's bed flipping through a magazine while Blaise sat on his own bed reading what looked to be another of those Myerscough mysteries he had become so obsessed with.

Shrugging off his jacket, Draco crossed the room and dropped it on top of his trunk, nudging Pansy with a sigh to get her to make room for him on his bloody bed, for god's sake.

"Um," Blaise's voice spoke up behind him and Draco turned just enough to see him out of the corner of his eye, "did you forget whose jacket that is?"

"Mine now," Draco grinned, sounding smug as he added, "Potter thinks I look so good in it he wants me to keep it. And wear it forever. He expressly forbade me from ever giving it back to you."

"So it went well then?" Blaise wondered, sitting up to gaze at Draco speculatively. "The plan is working?"

At the reminder of the plan, Draco felt his stomach clench. God, how he wished his first date had not been the result of some stupid form of shameful manipulation on his part. "Yes, it went fine," Draco answered in a stiff voice.

"What did the two of you end up doing?" Pansy poked him with one foot.

"Shopping," Draco said casually, hoping the other two would not continue to press him for details—a hope he already knew to be in vain. There were no two nosier bastards in the world than Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini.

Pansy gave him a withering stare. "You can't expect us to believe that you've been shopping this entire fucking time, Draco. What did the two of you do after you went shopping?"

Draco shrugged, praying his face was not pink. "We went to dinner. And then walked around a bit and talked." And kissed. And got stared at by Muggles. And had my entire life changed in the course of one evening. Draco decided not to add any of that last bit.

"Potter thought you and I were a couple, you know," Draco said, hoping that he would be able to somehow get their minds off asking about the very private and very, very confusing details of the date; Draco still did not know what to make of any of it.

"He thought you and I were a couple?" Pansy asked, one eyebrow raised, appearing ready to scoff, but Draco cut her off before she could.

"No," he smirked, "he thought Blaise and I were a couple."

"What?!" Pansy looked outraged. "Why would he have assumed the two of you were a couple over the two of us? You and I very nearly were a fucking couple! How many bloody times have we snogged? And I'm the only person who's ever been willing to suck you off! How dare he! I'm sorry, Draco, but your new boyfriend is an idiot."

"How jealous was he?" Blaise grinned widely. "When he asked about us? Was it after you told him you spent the whole day wearing my clothes?"

"Why the hell would he even think that in the first place?" Pansy demanded, still sounding upset. "Why wouldn't he have thought you and I were together? Or me and Blaise, even? Does Potter just assume that everyone is bent because he is? I could very easily be involved with one of you if I wanted!"

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