Peter and Flash had been friends before. There had been a fight (over what Cooper didn’t know)(or me) and even though Peter had apologized for his part, Eugene had not. Flash had bullied Peter relentlessly since then. Thankfully, it had never been physical. But even Cooper cringed and felt sick at some of the things he said to Peter. Peter acted like it was no big deal, but Cooper knew better. I mean, they were twins! Not all twins were like them, but Cooper and Peter actually got along quite well, and Cooper had learned all of Peter's tells by now.

The bus stopped and Peter whipped his head up, praying that the trip had been canceled and they would have to turn around.

“Alright everyone! Line up outside the door and wait for me,” Mr Harrison said to the bus. The kids all got out, Peter feeling nauseous from the rocking motion the bus made as everyone moved at once. Cooper noticed and walked close to Peter as they went down the steps and walked to the door. They lined up in alphabetical order, which meant that the two Starks were right next to one Eugine Thompson. Cooper stood right next to him so Peter wouldn’t have to. The teacher came quick, thankfully, and ushered the class inside.

Everyone gawked at the sight (save Cooper and Peter). They were given time to gawk by a smiling guide before being ushered to the front desk. The guide smiled again and grabbed a basket.

“My name is Linda, and I will be your guide today for the Tower Tour. In this basket are passes. The passes,” she explained as she handed them out,” are only really good for getting past FRIDAY and security. Other than that, they really only give you the right to walk in the halls. They will not open any doors, only I or another higher up can do that. The passes do expire at 3, so we need to have you out of the building by then. Now, who’s ready for the tour!”

There was a cheer throughout the students (and a groan from Peter) as Linda led them to what looked like airport security. They all walked through one by one, FRIDAY confirming their entry as they scanned their cards. Linda led them through the halls of the tower, pointing out the labs and what some people were working on. Eventually, Linda even took the class to someone's personal lab.

Specifically Bruce's lab.

They all walked in and the class burst out with murmurs, “that’s the Hulk!” or “is he gonna crush something? Can I get him to?” Peter was annoyed by the whispers, and Cooper as well. They knew Bruce could hear them, but was ignoring the class as he walked to Peter and Cooper, giving them a hug before smiling at the class.

“HI, I’m Dr. Banner, and this is my lab. Feel free to look around, but please don’t touch anything.”

The class started through the room, ooing and aweing at everything. Peter and Cooper just watched, that is until Flash came up to Peter.

“So, how much did you pay Banner to pretend to know you?”

“Flash I literally live here. Back off.”

Cooper was just waiting for Flash to slip up and say something that would get him hit, as he would like the honour of beating Flash into next week.

“I know you live here, but I mean, look at you. You’re repulsive. No one would want to be near you, let alone Banner.”

Flash was tackled to the floor before Cooper could even lift his fist.

Lila Barton was pinning Flash down while three year old Nathan Barton (that's how old he is for the sake of the shot)  kicked him. Cooper had to hold back laughs at the sight. Nathan missed a kick at Flash and fell on his butt. He wasn’t affected by it all though, as he sat on the floor and glared at Flash. 

Flash made the mistake of laughing when Nathen fell, and was rewarded with a punch from Lila, right in the nose. Nathen applauded Lila’s hit and giggled before standing up and running over to Peter.

Peter was laughing through his tears and laughed harder at the toddler that attached himself to Peter's leg. Cooper laughed at Flash, who was now crying and promising that he would leave Peter alone if Lila would just “PLEASE GET OFF”. Lila got up, glaring at Flash as she did.

“Wow. okay, Tour’s over,” said a voice from the door. Everyone spun to see Tony Stark walking into the room and over to his kids. Once everyone was out of the room (minus Peter, Cooper, Lila, Banner, and Nathen) he pulled Peter and cooper into a hug (and Nathen, since he was still hugging Peter's legs).

“You good Pete? I can sue them for all they got! And we can have ice cream while they freak out over it! Would that be fun? I think so.”

Peter laughed and looked at everyone.

“No. I think I’m okay, dad.”

Tony nodded and smiled at his kid.

“We can still have ice cream, right?” Tony asked.

Peter snorted. He could swear that his dad was a bigger child then he was.

“Yeah. let’s have ice cream.”


Peter had chocolate (Cause it will always be the best imo), Nathen had cookies and cream, Cooper had a rootbeer float, Lila had strawberry cheesecake Ben and Jerrys (because she is a logical human being, try it pleeeeaaasseeee), and Tony had mint chocolate chip. Banner had strawberries. My family thinks I'm weird because they could have be having like chocolate on chocolate and I will sit in the corner and eat my oranges and strawberries. Sometimes fruit is just better lol.

Anyways, tadaaaa! Its amazing how much better I am abouteverything when I'm not in school for a while.for example, I've been taking care of myself  (shocker am I right) and actually eating proportions. Like actual proportions. Not big, but small. And I've been drinking water. I like never drink water. Friends can attest to that. Its wierd but i like it.

Anyways, how are all of you doing? I hope you're having a good day!

Peace out guys gals and enby pals!😁


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