Primal Scream/ 1991

Start from the beginning

"So Kory says she's the babys about to be three and that um she has my eyes and her blond hair. Heathers talked to Kory man! She just keeps calling. Its been a year of it!" Tommy said grabbing his friends shoulders.

"What dose Heather think?" Vince asked his friend. "She- She believes a lie I told her. That I never met A Kory Ledger and shes most be some nuts fan who just thinks that. She'd just move on to you or-Or Nikki the second I denied the kid was mine." Vince sighed looking into the drummers eyes.

"Is the baby yours?" Vince asked. "I don't know." The drummer muttered.

"Arnt you two late for the studio?" Brandi asked holding Joanna in her arms. Nikkis eyes widened. "Shit what time is it?" He asked frantically. "We're so dead." Rebel muttered looking at the clock.

"Why haven't they called us?" Nikki asked his cousin as they ran around the bassists home getting ready. "No clue man."

Frankie sighed watched Neil talk to his half sister Stephanie.

Elle never came to visit like Neil did, she believed her step- Father was her birth father and didn't like all the odd people around whenever she went to 'That singers house' as she called the blond bombs home. But Neil could remember and spent every moment he could with his father.

"Whats up kid?" Beth asked seeing the way Mick's dauggter was looking at Neil.

"Nothing." She muttered. Beth smirked and shifted baby Skylar in her arms. "Something." The twenty-Three year old said looking to the ten year old girl.

"Dose someone have a crush?" She whispered watching Frankie turn red. "N-no." The girl muttered.

"Beth." Neil called in an odd tone. He soon walked over with six year old Stephanie in his arms. "Mommy." The child muttered. "What? Whats wrong?!" Beth asked looking her oldest daughter over.

"She says her stomach hurts." Neil said softly. Frrankie gulped. "Here." She whispered carfully taking Skylar so Beth could take her daughter from Neil.

Stephanie was holding her stomach and groaning. "I want daddy." The girl muttered.

"What took you so long?" Vince asked as the two walked into the studio. "Sorry lost track of time finishing up the new song." Rebel said side eyeing her husband. Things weren't the greatest between them at the moment. Part of the reson she had been staying at Nikki's. Her excuse was that she was helping him with a few songs. "So heres the finished lyrics. What do you think?" Rebel asked holding a paper out to the singer. Vince took it with a smile and started scanning over it.

"Whats wrong with him?" Nikki asked looking at Tommy who was sitting alone. "He's an idiot." Mick whispered. "Don't worry about it." Vince muttered looking up from the paper. "Love the song guys." He said walking to the booth. "Ready to finish this album?" He asked with a smile.

"Ten years with you idiots." Mick muttered. "Not sure if I can take many more." Mick said struggling to get off the couch. Nikki watched the man with sad eyes. "We love you too old man." Vince said with a smirk.

"Yea you'll never get away from us." Tommy snapped playfully. He seemed over whatever was bugging him.

"You have some mood disorder Drummer?" Mick asked with narrow eyes. "No. I just missed Nikki is all." Tommy joked.

Rebel rolled her eyes. Mick was the one with the mood issues.

"Sorry lets hit it!" Vince said with a smirk.

Rebel sat back and watching the guys run over Primal Scream for the tenth time in the booth. They were joking and laughing about something. The phone ringing pulled her away from the guys being big kids. "Hello?"

Rebel sat up. "Calm down. Beth, I can't understand!" Rebel said softly. "Beth, I." Suddenly the woman was replaced by Frankie.

"We had to take Stephanie to the doctor. Her stomach is hurting her." Frankie in an upset tonr. Rebel could hear Beth crying in the background. "And?"

"And we've been here awhile now. It's not a stomachs ach like Beth thought mom, Stephanie has a tumor." Rebels eyes grew. "What?" She asked in her own panic. "The doctors say they can get it, but Stephanie dosnt want them putting her to sleep and cutting her open. She wants Vince."

Rebels eyes snapped to the smiling Singer. "O-okay. Tell Beth we'll be right there." Rebel hung up and took a deep breath.

"Man stop!" Vince snapped play fighting with Nikki and Tommy. He had the drummer in a head lock why Nikki continued to toss popcorn at his face. Mick groaned not happy with the play fighting.

"Guys." Rebel muttered with her eyes down. "Rebs, help me!" Tommy snapped struggling to get free. "Princess?" Mick whispered knowing something wasnt right. "Rebel you alright?" Nikki asked walking to his cousin.

"Vince." She whispered, looking to the singer. "Yea?" He asked confused. Rebel sighed making eye contact. "Beth called and-." Vince let Tommy go. The man fell to the floor with a thud. "What?" Vince asked stepping over Tommy to get closer to Rebel.

"Stephanie said her stomach was bothering her so Beth took her to get checked out." Rebel was about to cry.

She took the singers hand. "Vince, She has a tumor." Tears fell from the girls eyes watching all the light leavd the singer. "They need to do surgery but she's afraid and wants you-." Vince took off out of the booth. He needed to get to his baby.

The studio was silent. Everyone understood the pain and fear the man felt. "What now?" Tommy asked after what seemed like hours. "We pray for the kid." Mick muttered. "And hope whoevers up there helps her." Nikki added.

"Poor Vinnie." Tommy muttered. "Poor Stephanie." Rebel added drying her eyes.


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