Chapter 1: A Surprise Party!

Start from the beginning

??: "Are you okay? Does your head hurt?" Does my head hurt? What, is she some kind of airhead?!

Flushed with embarrassment, you manage to quietly say:

(Y/N): "Too close! Too close!"

??: "C'mon O-tae. You're scaring the guy.."

'O-tae?': "I am?"

Finally moving her face, you breathe a sigh of relief. Gritting your teeth, you shakily sit up from the couch. They all quickly turn back to you, worry filling most of their faces. You give a small smile to signal that you're fine. 

??: "C'mon Arisa. You too Kasumi. Apologize to him."

'Arisa?': "Alright.."

The two girls from before slowly walk towards you, clearly guilty and avoiding eye contact. 

'Kasumi?': "W-we're very sorry!!! We'll be more careful next time!!!"

The girl quickly bowed down in apology, with the other reluctantly following suit.

'Arisa?': "Sorry", she said flatly. " should've been more careful.."

(Y/N): "Sorry, didn't catch that."

'Arisa?': "N-nothing. Stop imagining things."

Well aren't you pleasant.

??: Sigh. "Arisa.."

After softly scolding 'Arisa', the girl turned towards you and bowed slightly.

??: "Sorry about that. I'm Saaya by the way. Saaya Yamabuki. You may have heard of our family's bakery downtown."

N: "Ah, I remember. I recall we went there once, but (Y/N) unfortunately couldn't come. 

You looked down, feeling slightly guilty. Despite being childhood friends, you almost never had enough time to hang out with NOIRE. Having world-famous actors as parents meant that they were almost always away from home, leaving yourself and your little sister to take care of the house. Fortunately, having wealthy parents had its benefits so you never had to worry about money, despite their absence. However, being the oldest of the house you were in charge of taking care of your middle-school sister, as well as cleaning and cooking in the house. This left you almost no time to hang out with your band members, though they really didn't seem to mind.

N: "It's a shame you couldn't come. The chocolate cornets were just heavenly!"

??: "I know right!!! It's so good, and Saaya-chan always gives me one for lunch!"

Saaya: "Ahaha, thanks Rimi. Say, you should introduce yourself."

'Rimi?': "A-ah, I should! I'm R-rimi Ushigome. Nice to meet you."

Subconsciously, we all eyed I. Why do I get the feeling that they seem so similar?

'O-tae?': "Well, I guess I'm next. Tae Hanazono. People call me O-tae. I love bunnies.

'Love bunnies?' Is that really relevant?

'Kasumi?': "Oh, oh! I'm next! I'm Kasumi Toyama! And this is...!"

'Arisa?': "Ichigaya. Ichigaya Arisa."

Wait a second. Why do these names sound so familiar? Could it be...

Arisa: " And you are..?"

(Y/N): "Oh, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). Pleasure."

As the others introduced themselves, you began thinking. Though still a bit hazy, you tried to see if you recognized their names. Kasumi, Arisa, Saaya, Rimi, Tae... Hm... Oh! I remember. So that explains why they're here at CiRCLE. 

Saaya: "Nice meeting you all."

O: "Likewise."

??: "Well since we're doing introductions, I'm Marina Tsukishima, a staff here at CiRCLE."

Marina: "Now I'm sure that you all have figured out who these girls are by now."

R: "..?"

Kasumi: "That's right! We girls here are-"


Poppin'Party. A girl band searching for a sparkling, heart-pounding beat (whatever that meant). What they lack in skills and experience, they make up for in gusto. 

(Y/N): "Ah, so that's where I recognized you all."

N: "Whatever do you mean (Y/N)?"

Pointing to the wall, you show them a poster of Poppin'Party dressed up in their stage outfits with the name "Poppin'Party" clearly written. 

I: "Ohh. So that's w-what you mean."

O: "Now it makes sense."

You turn back to Marina, who is holding a clipboard and pen in her hands.

Marina: "Now, what bring you five into a place like this?"

R: "Actually, we're here for-"

(Y/N): "We're a new band and we were looking for a place to practice", you say quickly. You cut him off, not wanting him to reveal the name of your band. 

Marina: "Well you're at the right place! We recently opened up CiRCLE to accept male bands, but no one has registered yet. Actually, you all are the first ones to register in a while! Just write your names, instruments and band name."

(Y/N): "Actually, we don't have a band name. Is that okay?"

Marina: "Sure. Just leave it blank then."

She then passed around the clipboard, letting our band members write their names and instruments. 

Marina: "Alright. Here (L/N)-san."

(Y/N) (L/N)- Flex


Kasumi: "Hey (Y/N)! What does 'flex' mean?"

(Y/N): "Oh. Since I can play multiple instruments, the bass, guitar and piano, I can choose one depending on the song."

Saaya: "Wow. Impressive. It must take a lot of skill to learn multiple instruments."

The others, including your bandmates, all nodded in agreement.

(Y/N): "I-I mean it's not that impressive. I don't nearly have the skill that they have", you said, red from embarrassment. 

Marina: "There also seems that vocalist isn't listed here."

O: "About that, we all contribute vocals equally."

Marina: "Really? Huh, interesting. Alright! You're all registered. Feel free to practice whenever you want. Just go to the front desk and request one."

That was easier than I expected. I guess it only took me getting knocked out. Anyways, now that we've successfully registered, we're one step closer to our goal, to show the world what we can do!

Kasumi: "Hey, Marina-san! Can we have a surprise party for them?"

Marina: "A surprise party?"

Kasumi: "Yeah! To celebrate, they can perform a song for us!"

Marina: "Hm... Sounds like fun!"




(Chapter 2: Probably meeting Roselia and Afterglow and getting ready for the performance.)

Running in CiRCLES (Male!Reader x Bandori) [ONGOING]Where stories live. Discover now