Chapter 6

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Vin and I were ignoring each other for most of the ride. Apart of me wanted to reach out for his hand and hold it to calm our nerves. Why was I fighting it so hard when he has done nothing to me? It made no sense other than my self-pride. I decided to be the one who broke the silence. If I had to spend the next 6 months with him, I can at least hold a conversation with him.

"So you were at war?"

I heard the sound of his grinding teeth to my question.

"Yeah." he finally answered.

"Are you going to give me more than a one-word answer?"

It became silent once again. Between the grinding of his teeth and the tapping on the steering wheel meant he was trying so hard not to snap.

"Why are you a stripper?"

You can hear the distaste in his question like he hated that his mate dances are naked with other men.

"It's fun that's why. I don't need to do it, I want to do it. I know you're thinking that there is a reason that I had to do this. Well, there isn't anything other than it's my only talent."

He let out a slight huff like he didn't believe me. Why do I expect anyone to believe it? It's one of the most bagged on jobs where it has so many stereotypes. Like who'd believe that someone actually liked doing it for fun? I probably wouldn't.

"I don't like it. I don't like that you do it."

Ahh, there it was. I don't expect any man to agree as Jack does. Jack had a fetish for it and knowing when he had me that he could live out his wildest dreams made sense. Vince seemed like a man who didn't like sharing. This is why it was so hard for him to accept that his mate was in love with his brother.

"Sounds like a personal issue, Vincent." We remained quiet for the rest of the drive there before we pulled up to his pack.

"You may not like me, but can you please take a shower and get his smell off of you before you make this pack dislike you already?"

You heard the venom in his voice that wanted to say something else. Did I want them to like me if I am planning on leaving?

"Fine. I just need to go to the store and get more products."

I reached into my purse for my wallet before he stopped me.

"You can go tomorrow. You will use mine so you have my scent on you."

He had pulled into a parking garage right under what seemed to be the packhouse that he lived in. It was really dark out so that means most people were asleep already. I felt like I was 20 again sneaking into a guy's room so no one would spot us. We reached the top of the stairs into his room. We were already alone but this time we were in a bedroom. There was a pregnant pause that made us linger.

"Where are your towels so I can shower?"

I followed him into the bathroom to where he grabbed a towel from the closet and handed it to me. I started stripping my clothes off but he didn't leave. If anything he looked more confused.

"Aren't you going to wait until I leave?" He asked.

"I am a stripper, being nude isn't a big deal okay?"

He stood there against the sink just staring at me while the water-soaked my body. A part of me was wanting to make him more uncomfortable.

"You need to understand that even with the hickeys on your neck, it doesn't stop me from wanting you. Personally, I don't want you either. But you are my mate and I will try to fight for us. Even when you gave up."

My heartfelt like it was punched. He didn't want me but he was willing to try and I was the reason it's so hard. Could it be great if I gave in? Or could my heart take it without having Jack at my side?

"Come here."

I told him gesturing my finger for him to join me. He looked at me confused about what I was asking of him. I think I was doing this for him but somewhat for myself.

"You want your scent on me then shower with me." He looked at me stunned but he listened. He pulled his shirt over his head and began stripping until he was fully bare. My heart was pounding knowing that I had to resist the urge to let him invade my body with his tongue. And I would let him too. With only inches away if he just so happened to kiss me then I would of course respond. He didn't seem like a bad guy, but he also seemed like he had things he wasn't proud of either. I guess we have the next 6 months to find out.

" It's hard to know I can't fight you but I am old-fashioned. The mate bond makes me want you, but my head desires for an emotional connection. I want passion which is why I won't give in so easily."

I felt a tickle on my back and realized he was close to me with his finger running down my spine. I threw my head back as the vibration went through my entire body. A feeling ran through my legs and I think he just ignored what I just said. A feeling ran through my legs and I think he just ignored what I just said. I turned around to let the water run through my body and avoid the fact that I want his tongue between my thighs and his hair in my hands. This was going to be hard but I need to really put some kind of distance between us.

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