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A third one charged towards him with a punch too and he avoided it by a strand of a hair, fist being missed by a few millimetres from his eyes. Haechan sighed before giving his everything and punching the guy in the guts as hard as he could, it ending with him being knocked out after a few seconds of moaning in pain.

Haechan looked around a little proud, a satisfied smirk reaching his lips along with an amused expression as he saw the result of his hard work. Maybe he should thank Johnny and Lucas when he gets to later meet them or hear from them. The short classes were hard but worth it at the end. And maybe . . . Jeno too, since he too taught him self defence. And even though at the time he didn’t get as to why he was doing it, now that he did, he was grateful. Very.

Remembering of the elder, it made him wonder how he was doing. It had been a while since he saw him but then again, he was severely injured according to what Jaemin had told them. So, it will probably take him a while before he will get to see his face, shadow even, around the campus.

A cold chill ran down his spine and the feeling of uncomfortableness dominated his senses. Unfortunately, he wasn’t quick enough to act upon that warning and found himself being trapped in someone’s arms.

“Didn’t Jeno ever teach you to not daydream in the middle of a battle field?” The voice hovered over his ear and the closeness was making Haechan feel sick to the stomach. How could he be so stupid to forget the one who controlled all these imbeciles after Mark? “Oh, I forgot! He’s not your knight in shining armour anymore so why should he?”

Yes, news travelled like wildfire when the two separated and no one knows how it happened but it did. Haechan was sure it wasn’t Jeno who spread it but… still. Sometimes he did doubt whether it was him who actually did it.

A rough gasp left the brunette’s lips when he felt immense pressure being applied on his right wrist.

‘Crap!’ He bit back a whimper and started struggling to get out of the hold. ‘He just had to press there.’

The male, seeing the amount of distress he caused by simply pressing on a certain limb got curious and pressed Haechan against one of the sinks so he’d be able to see why the younger was acting like that.

An amused smirk formed on his face as he slowly revealed the multiple scars underneath the sleeve he was currently pulling up. An idea came to his mind. Without loosing much time, he pushed Haechan against one of the toilet stall’s door, making a loud sound echo not just around the bathroom but also in the quiet hallway, even if it was faint.

Feeling around his pockets, he pulled out a certain object he’d have the pleasure to use for the first time on a person. And what better prey to use it on than Lee Haechan?

The brunette in question widened his eyes when he saw the little pocket knife being carelessly handled in the other’s hand. Fear was visible in his eyes and he hated how the guy probably finally knew the way to make him beg for him to stop. How he finally found a way to make him spit those words out loud.

“You know…” The guy slowly approached him, squatting down as he yanked the younger’s arm towards him. “I’d love to give you a last early Christmas present. Don’t you think that’s so sweet of me?”

Haechan stayed there paralysed the whole while. He couldn’t find it in himself to move. It had passed long since he last carved a bloody scar on his body and just the thought of withstanding its pain once again and having it engraved along with this very moment, it made him already feel light headed. Oh, how much he just wanted to actually shut down for a second there and then wake up to find out it was a nightmare. To find at least Mark looking over him with a little concern because he was panicking in his sleep. But obviously it wasn’t. This was reality. The one he lived in. One with pain and continuous suffering along with betrayal from distant to close people. Could he ever be able to find actual peace? If he looked for it, would he be able to find someone who’d hold him and protect him? There was someone in his mind. But was that person a wise choice? Was he the right one? If he kept thinking about him, would he magically appear to save him? No way that’d actually happen, right? This wasn’t a drama after all, nor a children’s fairy tale. It was real life.

With those thoughts running a marathon in his mind along with his breath picking up pace, Haechan could feel himself slowly drifting away to darkness when a sharp pain pierced deep, too deep, through his skin and the blurry view of red dots starting to pool up on his wrist made way in his vision.

‘I always hope for too much.’

His eyes welcomed the darkness and his mind nearly switched off, but he knew he heard it. He was sure of it. That oh so familiar voice calling for his name. It wasn’t a hallucination. That’d be a real shame. But he was tired, and wanted to rest. Yes, rest for a little. Just a little bit. The other was willing to wait, right?


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