Chapter 8

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" He didn't tell you!" Evie yelled
" No." I was crying my heart out. We were were supposed to date after my show.
"And he led you on like that! How could he do that! Your too good for him anyways! He doesn't deserve you! I'm gonna find him and..!"

She saw that I was crying and sat down and hugged me. Then a knock came from the door.

" No ones home!" Evie yelled

I walked over to the door and saw Aidan. Evie slammed the door open and saw who it was.

" Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to... umm... could you come back later."

He looked over and saw me on the bed with mascara down my face.

"Umm ya just um.. hold on." He walked over to me.

" Aidan!" I wiped away my tears and put my loose hair behind my ears.

"You ok?" He asked
" Look at her dose she seem ok!" Evie yelled.

I looked at her and gave her a face.

" Sorry Aidan. A guy she likes it a two timing bitch who lead on her in for whatever reason and...."

I had zoned out. I didn't want to see Lucas. I didn't want Aidan to see me like this. I knew I shouldn't have fallen for some stupid guy. And I told him I loved him! He doesn't love me at all. He just used be to be his side hustle.

" Y/N! Y/N!" Evie yelled.
" Lucas is calling your phone." Aidan said.

I answered the phone.

" Hey Y/N!" Lucas said
" How Ashleigh?" I said disappointed
" She's just a friend. Why what's wrong."
" Look on you instagram! You have a picture of you two kissing! How is that supposed to make me feel Lucas! We were supposed to be together after my show. But I don't want to anymore. That's what's wrong. Go have fun with your new gf!"

"Y/N... I"

" And you told me you loved me! You don't tell someone you love them then go date someone else! What the hell is wrong with you! Leading me on! Kissing me! Was I just you side girl? Do I actually mean something to you?"

" Yes!"
" Well you have a weird way of showing it!"

I hung up the phone and realized that Evie and Aidan were gone. I saw a note on the bed saying that they were going to give me some space. I went into the bathroom to take a hot bath before tomorrow's scenes.

My head hurt. My eyes hurt. My heart hurt. I wanted nothing to do with that man. He had hurt me and I couldn't forgive him. And like he said to me before our kisses were just one kiss.

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