* N I N E T H * * C H A P T E R *

Start from the beginning

As you were walking up the stairs, you began to wonder where in the house were you going to study. "His room? Nah", you thought.


You were wrong.

You entered his room with so much anxiety.

What is going to happen...
What if we accidentally touch each other's hands?
What if we cuddle?
What if I confess my love to him?
Wait do I have a crush on him tho??????
Wait do I love him?
Babes, it's only been two months. There's no way.
He wouldn't even like me...right?

"You can sit on my bed," he offered once he opened his door.

You hesitatingly nodded and went to drop your bag on the bed. You could barely apprehend that you're in guy's room. Kiyoomi's room.

His room was very bland as you expected, nothing too special but very calm kind of aesthetic. His room was mostly navy blue themed. He had a lot of books and mangas on his bookshelf. You've read a few which made you content to see to imagine that you both have similar taste.

"So what should we start with? Or better yet, where are you struggling?" You tried calmed yourself down as you asked him.

"Well I'm struggling with the vector chapter we've been working on for the last few weeks. Usually I can get by with any unit in math but this one in particular has been a tough one and I'm worried I might fail the upcoming test," he sighed.

"You're in luck cause vectors and maths in general are my cup of tea," you proudly gleaned. "So how about we use the questions the teacher has given us in class to see how you do by yourself and then I will correct it each time. How does that sound?" You pulled your books from you bag.

"That's fine," he agreed.

"And after that, I will give a small practice test that you will do after you understand where you went wrong," you wave the test sheet around. He eye rolled you as he saw the length of the "small" practice test you created.

~ T I M E S K I P ~

"Is this right?" The sentence you kept hearing for the past five hours.

You scanned through his work and corrected his mistake. He grew more frustrated as time went by because he kept on making the same mistake. You did try to make him feel better by telling jokes but it only angered him.

"How about we take a break?" You suggested.

"What for? What will the break do?" He snapped.

"For you to calm down, you are way too overwhelmed to concentrate. Take a break," you order him. He sighed and dropped his pencil. You laid down on the bed, releasing all your exhaustion.

"Why are you so good at everything?" He blurted out of no where.

"What do you mean?" You snorted as you found the question to be funny.

"For the past time that I've been with you, you haven't done anything wrong. Everything you do is just perfect. I just don't understand how you do it." You could sympathise with his sentiments. He's feeling stressed.

"Please don't think that Kiyoomi-kun, I'm just good at hiding my flaws. Believe me, I have problems," you began to feel slightly gloomy as you replied.

"See? You are even good at hiding your flaws," he ignored your parts of your statement.

"Since you don't believe me then I guess I will take that as a compliment."

"It's not suppose to be insult. I'm just frustrated with everything. Sorry," he sighed as he laid down next to you.

"You don't need to apologies to me. Get frustrated, get mad, do whatever for all I care. That's how you are suppose to feel sometimes so be aggressive. I won't get mad at you unless, you insult my physical appearance then I expect you to prepare yourselves to cry. And I'm not kidding," you said in the hopes of making him feel better. Even though you couldn't clearly notice it, a light smile brushed up on his face under his mask.

You stopped looking at the ceiling and turned your body towards Kiyoomi to look at him. You slowly examine his figure. You looked at his open hand that made you tempted to hold. You wondered why you weren't scared of holding his hands but you didn't prowl too much into it. You wanted to enjoy this moment. You thought that this might have been the last time, you would experience those types of hormones.

You subtly crept your hand over to the empty space by his hand and put your arm by his to slightly touch it, creating the perfect scenario to figure out how he feels about you.

He was surprised by this action so he turned to looked at you, but you turned before he could see the expression on your face. Behind that mask, he was blushing so hard. He took his chances and slowly intertwined your hand to his.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this story and enjoy your New Years.
Happy New Year's Eve.
It's lowkey 23:15 right now.

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