"Oh! Auntie, you're here!!" P' Thorn greeted her back. Tharn walks back to me and helps me to stand up.

"P' I would like you to meet. Type Thiwat, Type! this is my Older brother Thorn" Tharn introduced us

"Hi, P' Thorn. I'm Type." I greeted him

"Hello, So you're the famous nerd who catches my brother's attention. But you don't look like a nerd!! You..." P'Thorn is still speaking, but Tharn interrupted him

"He changed his looks for me, hahaha!" Tharn said.

"Nerd? Is that true? so you're intelligent!!" His father said to me

"not intelligent, dad!! GENIUS!! that's the right term." Tharn proudly said

"NO! I'm not!!" I said to them-this guy loves to exaggerate.

They all laugh.

We all then proceed to eat.

"So, Type. Care to tell how did you meet my son?" His father asked me

"Ahhh, I'm an HRM Student too, like Tharn. He is my classmate now. He transferred a while ago."

"And why is that?? Why did you transfer Tharn?" He asked tharn

"Of course, One reason, dad!! I need to be with him." Tharn proudly said he even enveloped his arm around me.

"Possessive!! Hahaha!!!" His brother Thorn said.


"You're so cute together!! did you know that!!" Tharn Auntie said to us

I can't help but blush about it!! I'm sure my face is red again!! Tharn saw it, so he spoke something to divert the topic.

"Ahh, dad! I thought you had some announcement to say to us, that's why you called this dinner. Please do tell. You're only interrogating Type and Me!!" Tharn suddenly said. He winked at me like he was saying.

"I saved you, bii!!"

I just rolled my eyes at him!

"Oh!! I almost forget." His dad said. He then put down his spoon and fork. He held his bestfriend hand. Tharn and Thorn look shocked about it, which made me confused why.

Tharn dad breath deeply first, then proceed to speak.

"You already know guys who are Rhata to me, right?? (Tharn and Thorn nodded). She has been my bestfriend ever since we were kids. She has been there with me from good times to bad. She never abandons me despite everything. We just separated a little bit when I met your mother. But after she left, Rhata was the one who helped me to be okay again. It took me more than ten years to do so. But now I can fully say to you guys that I'm finally okay. All of that, I should thank is your Auntie Rhata. Over time, I realized that the woman of my dreams had been right in front of me, but I kept on ignoring her because I'm such an idiot. But now I won't do that again. So I call you all here today cause I would like to inform you guys that your Auntie Rhata and I are getting married next year." His dad stopped talking

OMG!! Did I hear him say marriage??

I looked at Tharn and Thorn. They are both in shock.

I can see Tharn's dad and his fiance is nervous about what will these two will reacts.

Me too.
























"CONGRATULATION, DAD!!" they both said in unison!!

Tharn's dad and his fiance was so shocked about the reaction of Tharn and Thorn

"Wait? You're not angry with me?" His dad asks, sounding so confused

"Why would I be angry with you, dad. you, P'thorn, are you angry at dad?" Tharn looked at Thorn. He just shook his head

"See. We're very happy for you, dad. We're glad that finally, you found your true love, and we're happier that it is Auntie Rhata. We cannot imagine a more suitable woman for you besides her. We know you'll going to be genuinely happy with Auntie!! You can now truly find you're long-lost happiness. It's been too long since we saw you laugh like this, dad!! And if Auntie Rhata is the woman who can give you this much happiness and contentment in life. We, your son, can't wish for anything more." Tharn said to father.

His father looked so happy about it that he quickly pulled Tharn into a tight hug. Thorn joined, too, while Auntie Rhata was crying due to so much happiness.

I can't help but be proud of Tharn!! He loves his father. I can see that.

Tharn is a very good person, and I know I'm so lucky that I have been able to see and witness that.

I wish others could see what I see now.

I wish!



Are you happy with the progress??
This is not yet done.

Meeting the family part 2 is in the next chapter. I don't want to create a very long branch. That is why I'm cutting this.

Comment and Vote are so welcome.

Love Lots


Waanjai MJORA


Revenge to Mr. Casanovas heart: Operation (COMPLETED) MG FANFICNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ