New year in Ibiza

Start from the beginning

P1: Eeee, Idk he kinda look like he, you know

P3: Gay?

P2: Man, why is gay bois so attractive and straight boys not

Simeon: *giggle* 

Luke: What are you laughing at?!

Simeon: Aww Luke, your face is smothered in sand

P3: Is that his kids

You: Luke my cute baby/kid/ little brother, come here you got something on your hair

P3: Ehh?! They're relatives?

P2: They don't even look alike

Mammon: Everything that came out of your mouth is stupid, shut the heck up will ya'

Levi: Mammon.

Mammon: you dumbass

Diavolo: Ah isn't this fun, Lucifer? Partying in the beach is now my hobby

Lucifer: Where did you even got the idea having beach party

Diavolo: Youthful fun 101

P1: Idk but that  black haired man is kinda fine for a old guy

P2: Your daddy issues is showing up

P3: Especially that orange hair, he's so ripped

P1: They all so fine, but the hair is so fuckin ugly especially that green hair

Barbatos: I'm sorry, did you just say something about me?

P1: Huh? Oh no, it was nothin

Barbatos: Ohh I thought someone had talked about my hair

P2: Dang he got good hearing

You: Guys, let's order cocktail

Luke: Simeon I wan't that cocktail thing too

Simeon: That's not for you

Luke: But I want too!

You: Ohh Luke! Do you want Pineapple and Lime mocktail?

Luke: Yes!

Simeon: Can I have a normal water?M

You: You sure you don't want anything?

Diavolo: I'd love strawberry iced tea

You: Can I have sex on the beach?

Barbatos: Y/N?

Mammon: H-hey! There's a lot of people here don't say that *blushes*

Lucifer: I prefer bed

You: It's not a request, it's a drink name and I just want it

Mammon: oh. *blush*

You: Yeah I'll have that

Mammon: Lemon iced tea

Beel: I want banana smoothie

Belphie: I'll just get the same..

Lucifer: Anything that you recommend

Barbatos: Tequila sunrise

You: Her body fit right in my hand lalala 💃💃💃

Barbatos: Pardon?

You: Just a song I've been listening too

Luke: Let's have sandcastle battle

Beel: I'm hungry, let's order food first

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