Jisung phone started to ring again is been ten times that his phone rang. Why is this caller name important to keep ringing.
Can't they take a hint that's is not gonna get picked up but what if it's someone important to Jisung is it a guy? It can't be, well is not my business anymore.

*Knock knock*
"Come in," I said looking at the door now.
"Why are you here alone?" my friends asked me. "Just thinking you know."

"Here drink some alcohol"
"Hyunjin we just made him sober!"
"Is a party and it's already nerve-racking as it is if it makes you feel better we can drink with him I also gave him a drink an hour ago."

"Unbelievable of you pass me the drink," Chan said.

Two shots went to six shots Hyunjin was laying on my bed licking the sheets for some reason, Changbin was in the bathroom trying to throw up with the help of Chan, and I was on the floor looking at the ceiling with a shot in my hand. Jisung phone still kept ringing with the same caller ID. 

"Minho can you turn off that phone would yah!"  "You don't think I tried it just keeps calling"
"Then answer," Chan said getting annoyed. "Is not my phone is Jisung is the same caller ID."

"Fuck it I'll answer it and tell them to fuck off with the bake sell we ain't buying."

I chuckled. My door went wide open Naeun was standing there. "Jisung is on the way here– and oh my god did you drink!" I tried to sit up straight but went back lying on the floor.  "It's 11 pm and your friends couldn't take care of you a bit longer until Jisung arrived now he's on his way and you're drunk."

"I'm not drunk do you see me throwing up! do you see me doing weird shit! no, I'm not so just stop I'm fine is just my head hurts lately I woke up with back pains It wasn't like this yesterday." I breathe out.

"This won't do let's wash your face but not in your bathroom may be in the hallway bathroom where your friends are not throwing up or doing whatever they're doing."

I nodded following her to the bathroom she closed the door and helped me sit on the toilet seat she got some wipes that my maids had put on every bathroom.

"Your such a mess" she smiled "Like you aren't" I stared at the ground. "Stop looking depressed where's that confident Minho at? You shouldn't make this a life-death situation"
"It feels like it is this my first relationship with a boy that I love."

"How much do you love Jisung"  "It feels like we're all alone in space together when I meet his eyes, I would give him my heart to him in a heartbeat so he can be happy and no one can't shine him down, I want the whole universe to know who he belongs too, I want the sun to be jealous that I got the hottest person on earth. I want his smile to last because I gave it to him.  I'll give myself up so he can live. I Minho would do anything so Jisung can be loved by everyone."

"Your so sweet Minho I'm jealous."

"Every word I said to you Naeun I mean it. I Love Ji–" The door opened with Jisung and his friends behind him.  "What the hell is going on here?!" he stared at us I looked where he was staring directly Naeun was cleaning my neck with a wipe having her other hand on my shoulder, I didn't realize are faces were this close and it looked like she didn't know either she stood up and so did I.

"Jisung this isn't what it looks like"  "I knew I shouldn't have come you lied to me Naeun you said you guys weren't a thing."

"She right we aren't and we never will Jisung don't you understand how much I can't live without you! your my entire world and you're just getting this out of hand we are nothing.

Why can't you see you that. Do you think my love for you was all a lie why would I do that when I'm already deeply in love with you please let me explain?" I was trying to hold my tears but I couldn't.

You need a Babysitter:Minsung 🍑 ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora