When she left, my morning and night—my day by day was never the same anymore. Tonton kept me sane through those days that when he told me who she really was, I figured out what she has been dealing with when she was still around my place.

Eventually, I accepted the fact that she won't be coming back. I went back to my usual routine. Coffee in the morning the leave to go to work and came back home preparing myself some dinner. It was fine until I felt something was missing.

Why would Lav said that I don't deserve her? Why would she decide what's best for me? Does she have an idea that this was going to happen? That she knew she'll left. I stopped dreaming of seeing her back in my house. I lose hope not until someone named Zonico Mercondia called in my office and he wanted to talk with me.

I figured out then he was Lav's oldest brother. That he was the one the video who she was with leaving the private club. I then agree seeing him in the Philippines.

I flew on my private plane and when the day I met him, he had the resemblance of his little sister and that's kinda amazing. We sat on the chair and I didn't know that it would end up on a very serious matter.

"Before I begin, do you know me, right?" he asked.

I nodded. "I figured, but you were Seilaverne's oldest brother. And when I searched your name online, you were the face of the Mercondia Siblings."

"Yeah, I won't take all the credit for that," he laughed. "But yeah, I'm glad that you agreed to meet me here even though it costs you your busy schedules. But we're here to talk about Seilaverne."

"Sure," I timidly answered.

"She told us everything. To why she went to Japan without saying a word to us down to the point that she told us that you made her feel important at some point. We were shocked to hear Seilaverne outburst, but maybe she has a point that we didn't acknowledge most of her actions and she was ignored."

"I know she was happy in Japan. Like it was the most special thing that ever happened to her."

"I see that and we failed to see that," he sighed. "We were so protective of her that her own happiness came at cost. We regret doing that. We're just trying to be good brothers to him that we never thought instead of protecting her, we were hurting her."

"You were just doing your responsibility as her brother."

"Yes, we did but we might've exceeded at some point that she felt suffocated and that made her leave us without saying a word. We won't even found out about it if it wasn't for our friend who she saw in Tokyo. We immediately flew there to find her... because we thought why would she be alone in Tokyo by herself? We took her home and that's when we found out about her work and you."

"Was it almost my fault that I hired her?"

"It was completely not your fault. You were just trying to help her. Maybe she felt everything was too much so I decided to do this for the right thing. To talk to you and know your intentions to my sister. Do you love her?"

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah, I love her."

"But she works for you."

"Not anymore."

"I see," he nodded his head. "Do you want to see her again?"

"Of course."

"But before that, I would just like to tell you something," he said and I just creased my forehead. "If you really love Seila, do you promise you will protect her, love her at all cost? That you will do anything to make her happy? I mean, those are just simple words to agree on but it's hard to take it on an action. Can you do it?"

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