
Start from the beginning

I looked at the picture that was sent of the cake and nodded my head in approval. It looked nice. My phone soon started ringing, so I backed up, answering it. "Yo?"

"Yo, you know Mario had a girlfriend?" Slim's voice sounded through the phone as soon as I answered the call.

"I found out yesterday. Her name C'Xenna right?" I noticed Z look over at me with a curious look.

"Yea. Man, we was right.."

"What do you mean?"

"Mario was in some shit," he sighed.

I sat back on the bed and furrowed my brows. "Explain and how you know?"

"I can't tell over this phone.Just know his girlfriend knew what happened the whole time."

"Awe, yea, I'm trippin', damn yo and she didn't say nothing?" I rubbed my face, tired from this whole situation.

"Nah man. You coming to the trap today?"

"Nah, I cleared my whole schedule today I'ma be with Z." Zinnia wasn't in the room anymore at this point. I figured she went to go and check on Moe.

"Awe, so y'all do date?" He laughed, asking in a sceptical voice.

"Nigga you've known this for a whole month."

"I forgot. I don't see y'all together a lot."

"Because we mind our business and keep to ourselves." We were together all the time, almost every day.

"We gotta brush our teeth baby." I heard her as she walked past the room with Moe in tow.

"Word? I slick think Lina got a crush on her."

"Man what?" I chuckled, standing up, walking towards the bathroom. The door was open, so I put the phone on speaker, standing in the door frame. "Your fiancé has a crush on my girl?" I asked, watching Zinnia's expression. Zinna looked up, slightly chuckling as she helped Moe brush his teeth. "Huh?"

"Yea, man. 'Nia could post a picture on Instagram and here come Lina, "fuck, she's so sexy"--"

"Don't cuss," I told him since Moe was right here.

"My bad, or she'll be like "Sol girlfriend so cute," or "when Sol gon' introduce us to his girlfriend? she's so pretty" And you know she's mean as hell, so I'm like dang."

"Awww, I wanna thank her," Zinnia cooed, quickly looking up at me and then back to Moe.

I was really laughing at this point. "Where is she at?"


"Take her the phone. 'Nia right here."

"I'ma add her to the call. She hates being disturbed when she watches Star."


"Drink this baby," Z held a cup of water to Moe's mouth. He did as told, spitting it out when he was done.

When he wiped his mouth, he looked over to me, waving. "Wassup Moe," I walked over to him, sitting my phone on the counter.

"Samir why are you calling me?!" Lina's distant voice could be heard in the background.

"Just answer!" he yelled back, awfully close to the mic.

"What? Who else on the phone?"

"Sol. Watch yo' mouth too because it's a kid right here," I said while picking him up.

"Oh, hey, Sol..Mmkay the fu-- why y'all calling me?"

I grabbed my phone, hitting the facetime button then handed it to Zinnia. "I look crazy," she moved away, trying to block her face with her hand.

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