The Beginning of the Cycle

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Keith's POV


Where am I?

Last thing I remember...I was in the castle? No...we were on a mission...? What happened? Why can't I move?

I didn't want to open my eyes. I had a bad feeling that if I did, I'd never unsee it. But, I knew I couldn't live like that. I slowly lifted my eyelids to see the grey metal floor. It didn't feel cold on my legs. My legs were numb. I couldn't feel anything. I tried to move my right arm so that it could touch my leg, but I couldn't even feel my arm. I looked to the side to make sure I still had it...but I was vastly disappointed. I was wide awake by the time I noticed that I had no right arm.

I tried searching my brain to try and just remember what happened, but it was all so fuzzy. The more I tried to remember, the louder the pounding in my head became.

I couldn't do anything. My remaining arm was chained to the wall, not that my legs would let me move anyway.

I stayed in that cell a while, thinking about what they were going to do to me. All I could hear was the clanking of the chains and my own stomach growling. It had been a while since I had eaten anything, but I want even sure how long I'd been unconscious.

After who knows how long, as I had started to drift off into sleep again, the door suddenly opened, jerking me awake.

My vision was still a bit hazy, but I knew that it was a Galran. I could make out his large Galra prosthetic arm, his long purple ears, his glowing yellow eyes, and especially his sinister fangy smile. I felt so naked. I couldn't do anything. I only had one arm and I couldn't seem to be able to hold my own weight. My mind was foggy. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to think. I just looked up at him, waiting for him to speak.

"It seems you're alive and well, Keith Kogane. I'm pleased. I apologize for the state of your arm, that blue paladin was relentless. He wasn't going to let go of your hand, so I had to chop it off." He explained. The more he talked, the more muffled everything was becoming.

Blue paladin...?

Lance...he wouldn't let head hurt...that noise was so loud, and he...he didn't let go of my hand...

A piercing scream.

That was the most vivid of my memories. I was only half awake. I focused on the dripping blood from my severed arm to try and drown out the scream that faded away with every step. I was so tired, the thought that Lance could make such a horrified scream never occurred to me. Before I knew it, tears began to fall from my eyes. What happened to him? Was he okay? Why was he screaming?

"Lance...where's...Lance?" I asked him.

He looked surprised at the question. "That's the first thing you ask? I would assume that you would be more inclined to ask what it is that I plan to do to you--"

"Where's Lance?" I asked again.

That's all I could care about. I could only think that the reason he screamed like that had to be...because he was facing death...

"He's fine. For the most part. The other paladins retreated once they realized they could not catch up up us. Though, humans have a fragile mentality. I'm sure the blue paladin won't be able to recover from holding his leaders severed hand," he chuckled. I was relieved once I heard that he was alive, but that soon turned to anger. Lance is not fragile. "As for why I only have interest in you, it is not because you are the famed leader of voltron nor because you are a paladin of a Voltron lion nor because your human. It's merely because...the first time I laid eyes on you, as the pilot of the red lion, I could not banish you from my mind."

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