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I wake up and sigh. Hopefully they come here after they get free. I go have to get dressed. I brush my hair and go down. I have some cereal and Fleur smiles. "Blaise didn't go to Hogwarts" said Bill. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah, he decided it would be best" said Bill. I nod and smile at them.  I rub my hands on my thighs. Bill sighs and pats my hand. "What if they die?" I ask. "They won't" said Bill. I nod and Fleur hugs me. I hug back. 

I hear some noises outside and I walk out. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ollivander, Luna and a dead Dobby? I instantly run to them. I look at Dobby. "Oh my god... No!" I said. "Bellatrix k-killed him" said Harry, crying. I hug him. "I'm sorry" I said. Harry buries him by hand. I stand beside him for support. 

I play with my fingers and Harry grabs my hand. "I love you" said Harry. "I love you too" I said. He gives me a kiss and we go inside. "I want to talk to Griphook" said Harry. Bill looks at him. "His tired" said Bill. "OK, Ollivander, just one question" said Harry. "Fine then Griphook but go easy" said Fleur. "We will" said Harry. I nod. We go inside and Harry asks about the Elder wand. Ollivander gives answers that doesn't really give us the answers we wanted. We went to Griphook and well, we made a deal. We're breaking into Gringotts. We say bye to everyone and leave. We have some polyjuice and Hermione is Bellatrix and Ron's a random death eater. I am alos a random death eater while Harry is under the cloak. I push my blonde hair behind my ears and glare at the goblin. 

We get in and get to the vault. We step inside and Harry grabs the cup. We rush out after stuff starts to fall. Griphook leaves with the sword and we're stuck down here. I groan and our polyjuice finishes. We find a dragon while shooting spells at aurors or whatever they are. I sigh and we free the dragon after we climb on. We fly out of the bank and away from the city. We spot a lake and Harry looks down. "JUMP!" yelled Harry. We jumped and landed in the water. We walk out of the water and I wipe my face. "Shit. That was cold" said Harry. "It was" said Ron. "We need to go to Hogwarts" said Harry. Hermione, Ron and me nod. "Now what?" asked Hermione. "Apparation" I said. We apparate but an alarm goes. 

"QUICK! In here!" said Aberforth. We go inside and I gasp. "Your Dumbledores brother" I said. "I am. Fuck what are you doing here?" asked Aberforth. "There is a horcrux in the castle and I need it. Is there any way in?" asked Harry. "All secret passages have been sealed apart from one that was newly built. Ariana go get someone from the DA" said Aberforth. She nods and leaves. 

I gasp when Neville walks out. "Neville?" said everyone. "Hi guys lets go!" said Neville. "We built this and well look at us now. Quick lets go!" said Neville. We step out and wow, everyone is there. Harry waves at them and we step down. I rub my face and yawn. "OK, we need to find something, something from Ravenclaw" said Harry. "The lost diadam of Helena Ravenclaw" said Luna. "It's lost" said Cho. "But it could be found by asking the ghost of Ravenclaw" said Luna. "Harry go with Luna. Ron and Hermione will go to the Chamber of Secrets." I said. Harry nods and places his hands on my face. "Stay safe, OK" said Harry. "Yeah I will" I said, nodding and holding his wrists. I kiss him and he leaves with Luna. I sigh and rub my face. 

Shit, what will happen now? I hang around and then we get called down to the Great Hall. Harry, Ron and Hermione sneak in. Harry stands beside me and holds my hand. "We will be fine" said Harry. I nod and kiss his cheek.

Snape calls for Harry which he steps out. I grab my wand and wait for him to do something. I rub my face and roll my eyes. Snape pisses me off. McGonagall and Snape duel but he leaves. I sigh and hug Harry. "His coming." said Harry. I look around and sigh. "It's time" I said. We rush out when death eaters rush in. I begin to throw spells. I spot Fred. "NOO! Avada Kedavra!" I shout to the death eater. I pull Fred up and grab his wand. I hand it to him. "Stay safe, Fred" I said. "I will, thank you" said Fred. I run towards Tonks and Remus. I kill the death eaters who try to kill him. 

I run away and stop. "I'm going to the forest. I have to do this. Hermione, Ron take care of Bee. Bee.... I love you so much and your my soulmate" said Harry. I begin to cry and kiss him. "Be safe. I love you" I said. He leaves. Hermione grabs me. "Let's go" said Hermione. We rush and fight till we get called to the courtyard. "Harry Potter is dead!" laughed Voldemort. "NOOOO!" I scream, crying. 

Neville stand out and pulls the sword out of the hat. ""I'd like to say something. Doesn't matter that Harry's gone. People die everyday— Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with here. So is everyone who died...all of them. They didn't die in vain! But you will! Cause you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us! It's not over!" said Neville. I cry. But then Harry jumps out of Hagrids arms. They begin to fight in front of us. Ron and Hermione go after the snake but as the snake goes to kill them Neville kills the snake. 

Harry and Voldemort soon finish but Voldemort's spell rebounded and hit him. He died and dropped to the ground. I gasp and I run to Harry. Harry grabs me and lifts me up. "Your alive" I said. "I am, I was a horcrux and well, he killed his own horcrux" said Harry. "I am just so happy your alive" I said. "So am I." said Harry. We share a kiss. Sirius walks over. "Congratulations on killing that sicko" said Sirius. "Thank you Sirius" said Harry. I smile. "Harry... I am going to make sure Fred and everyone is OK, you go with Ron and Hermione" I said. Harry nods and leaves. 

I spot Blaise... his talking to Draco. Draco's parents are there. I go over. Blaise hugs me. "Your safe" said Blaise. "Always" I said, smiling. Lucius looks away. Narcrissa smiles. "It's lovely to see you again" said Narcrissa. "You too. Malfoy" I said. "Wanna stay and talk?" asked Blaise. "I want to see if Fred and everyone else is fine" I said. Blaise nods and I leave. I spot Fred and George. I smile at them. I hug them and they hug back. "Your safe" I said. "I am, after you saved me" said Fred. "Thank you for saving my brother" said George. "Always" I said. Molly and Arthur also thanks me. 

Harry comes over and hugs me. "I love you, so much" said Harry. "I love you too" I said. We share a kiss and a hug. We decide to go to the Burrow. We sit around outside and I sigh. "Now, bedtime. Whoever needs a sleeping draught, I will give you some" said Molly. Harry takes some. As does Ron and Hermione. We go to bed and instantly fall asleep.

Hopefully no one gets nightmares.

The book is nearly done!

Lorna xx

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