[X] Author's Note [IMPORTANT!]

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Hey people! It is E.G and today I'd like to bring some exciting news and ask for your advice in the same author's note! This one isn't as important as the last one, but it follows on from it so I'd advise you please read.

So, what exactly are we talking about today?

Well, I may have finally worked out a good time in a day for me to work on chapters. I really struggle with doing chapters on a day where nothing's happening, which I don't entirely understand myself. I mean, I'm able to do author's notes fine but other than that? Nay, brain says no.

Anyways! I am hoping to work on chapters when I'm going to and fro school! For some reason, I actually find it easier to write chapters then. How did I find this out? The last chapter was done when I was in the taxi to and fro school.

This new structure I hope to implement hopes to increase the number of chapters I actually create, so going from one every few months, to 1 - 4 each month! I am actually really happy with this, because it means I can give you all more content and I have more of a routine!

Anyways, onto the second part of it. I posted a similar thing into my feed but didn't give a lot of description on it, because I planned to put it all here. Like 343 Industries is doing with Halo Infinite, I want to know what you people want to see in this book. I want to make sure you all enjoy it, because it's no good having a story where people aren't finding it entertaining. Very few writers probably have done this, but let me tell you, when ever I write a new chapter of this story, I try to make it entertaining for you lot. I am always one for trying new things, like with Primeval - Bond, it's an expressionist view of the main antagonist of Primeval. So with this in mind, please tell me what you like and don't like about this story so I can make it more enjoyable for everyone. If you have ideas for new chapters, go ahead and post them, I may implement them or features from them. As a writer, it is my job to entertain you all. I can't entertain you all if you don't enjoy what you are reading, from certain lines or paragraphs, to whole chapters.

Thanks for reading, E.G

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