The Mikaelson girl looked in the mirror a scowl on her face trying to hold the dress down again this time trying to stretch and make it reach her mid thigh.

The siren had to disagree. She really did like the clothes of this century the more reveling the clothes were the more fashionable they looked, according to her magazines that was. So she didn't shy away from styling Rebekah in a little black dress.

"I got dirty looks for wearing trousers."

Rebekah did not like this dress, the shirts, or the skirts Evenda gave her. She didn't like anything, she wanted to go back to the 20s, when everything was perfect.

"You wore trousers, so woman today could wear practically nothing." Klaus told them.

"It's not like we're going out in full lingerie. Rebekah, Do I look like a prostitute to you?"

"Yes! Just because you can dress however you want to, doesn't mean you should..."

Evenda bitterly smiled at her before sighing looking back in the mirror. "Rude! It's 21st century."

"Also known as the year of the bimbos." Klaus whispered to his sister.

"Whatever, there isn't anything wrong with being a little slutty." Evenda tried her best to persuade the blonde girl into loving the year 2000. "Youre all losers and totally can suck it."

Rebekah shook her head at the girls words. "And what is this horrible music." She gawked looking around trying to find where the source was from which she couldn't find because the speakers were installed into the walls. "Who dances to this?"

Stefan glared at the vampire ready to defend his idol, his wife, the pop queen herself Britney Spears. "I dance to it..."

"Are you done? I'm over this girls trip, let's go." The grumpy man spoke before Rebekah had the chance to nitpick at anything else, laying back on the white leather couch the workers happily seated him in sipping his glass of champagne like the fancy wolf he was.

"Not until I find something suitable." She replied yanking out blouses from the racks hoping she'd find something that she'd personally like.

The hybrid sighed wanting to leave, regretting bringing his sister here. First she lost the necklace that was needed to contact the original witch now he had to deal with her complaints? He was over it.

"Just wear the dress, you virgin!" Evenda exclaimed before facing Stefan and Klaus, now reconsidering the clothes she had on do to Rebekah's previous words. "Do you guys like this?" She questioned waiting for them to say something.

"It's...meh." Stefan stated.

"I agree with you, it's very tacky." Klaus nodded at her as he drank from his glass at an attempt to hide his small smile.

"Youre the type of guys to buy your girlfriends leopard printed thongs, don't tell me what's tacky." She rolled her eyes, the blonde haired man stayed quite because he hated to admit it...he once did buy a girl animal printed underwear.

"Nik, what are thongs?" The second oldest vampire in the room questioned with her 1920s mind.

"Something you don't need to learn of sister, if you think that dress is bad I can't imagine what you have to say to them."

Rebekah took a shirt and some bottom piece with her into the changing room hoping she'd like those better.

"...I'm going to get some fresh air, don't wait for me."

Evenda nodded her head as the Salvatore got up and left without another word. The dark skinned girl looked the mirror again now questioning if the dress was actually tacky. It did look a bit over the top, she really couldn't decide if she even wanted any of the clothes she tried on.

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