Chp.1 Enter Josie Higashikata

Start from the beginning

Koichi: A-Anytime...oh and hey..

???: Hm??

Koichi: I-I'm sorry for your friends lost...And your husband too...

???: ...It fine.


The lady that I met was the first person I met, her name was Jocelyn Kujo, later on I found out she is 28 years old and a marine explorer. Apparently academics new investment for his outstanding research field of ecology...and there's this fierceness about her...and she seem so intellectualand so

but to be honest, I feel so bad for her as well

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...but to be honest, I feel so bad for her as well...she lots two of her friends..:and mostly her husband...I can tell and see by the guilt and sad face she has...

???: Hey Kid!


Suddenly, a group of seniors who happens to be bullies, walked up to Koichi as he turns around...

Bully #1: You're a new senior, little man?!? Aren't you going to introduce yourself??!

Koichi: Y-Yes Sir! Right! I'm Koichi Hirose, first year of being a senior! Good morning! Nice to meet you, sir!

Bully #1: Better!

Bully #2: Yeah, that's more like it runt!

The group of bullies then walks away..

Koichi: Man, that was a close one. D-Dont worry about it Jocelyn, I'm sure they'll find someone else and go on about their business.

Suddenly, Koichi and Jocelyn then heard them yelling and talking with someone else near a water fountain...

Bully #1: And what you think you're doing, you bitch!

Bully #2: Who do you think you are!?!?

Bully #3,4,5: Yeah!

They all surrounded a young teenage girl, who happens to be squatting down near the fountain, and a turtle as well...

???: Well if you really must know, it seems like this little turtle I found just woke up from its nap. You know, turtles give me the willies. It makes me nervous and disgusted to even touch them. So I though today will be the chance to overcome that fear and-

Bully #1: Bitch does it look like I give a shit!

Bully #2: Yeah, shut up with that bullshit and get up, you weirdo!

???: Oh, fine.

The female teenager then slowly gets up....

Bully #1: Well now, you got some looks from a pathetic senior! But here's the deal, you can be pretty as much you want to! But first you gotta pay respects to us l, got it!?

Josie Higashikata x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now