Chapter 1

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Clarke POV

Clarke was sitting on a plane, going to England for her future husband that she didn't even love. She would much rather stay single the rest of her life instead of marrying him. She would much rather marry the green eyed goddess that was in the seats next to her across the aisle.

During the six hour plane ride, she ended up drawing the woman. 

Clarke was about three hours into the ride. Clarke looked over to the window and they were right over the ocean. She looked away and went back to her drawing.

Clarke just finished the woman's perfect nose and now was drawing the woman's sharp jawline along with her lips. Clarke guessed that she was a model going to England for a job, the green eyed woman had zero flaws.

The woman was eating. Clarke couldn't help but stare at her jawline. Clarke mental slapped herself for being a creep. "Useless bisexaul." Clarke said under her breath.

About an hour later, the plane started shaking and everyone looked around. The flight attendants came walking around.

"Everyone stay seated and make sure your seat belts are fashioned." A woman said. Clarke checked her seatbelt and it was good but panic started to rise in her chest. Clarke looked around and saw everyone doing the same. Some people were whispering.

A baby started to cry and then the lights shut off. A few people gasped and someone screamed. "Stay in your seats." One of the fight attendants said.

A woman walked past her. "Hey." The goddess said, catching the woman's attention. "What's happening?"

"Both Turbine Engines are gone." The attendant said, with a worried voice. The lights flicked back on and people sighed.

Clarke's heart dropped to her stomach as the green eyed woman's face didn't change. The woman sat back in her seat and ran a hand through her hair. Clarke looked around and saw people doing the same in front of her.

Clarke looked out the window and saw that they were slowly nose diving. Things popped down but Clarke was in a haze.

Some people were crying or screaming or both. Clarke wasn't doing either, her eyes were glued to the window, watching the plane slowly go into the water.


I tried to write sequel to 2199 Days but I didn't like how it was turning out. I decided to write something else.


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