"SHUT YOUR FUCKING FILTHY MOUTH!! You are NEVER going to come anywhere NEAR my child. Get this through your thick fucking skull... You and me are NOT EVER GOING TO BE TOGETHER!! GET THE FUCK OUT!!" I stand and storm towards her, grabbing her arm hard enough to leave marks. I pull her out of my office. Standing in front of my secretary, sinking my fingers painfully into Seo-yeon's arm, I warn my worker. "This bitch is NEVER to be allowed in my office again. She is trash, and not welcome here. If she shows up again, call security and make sure they show her out. If you let her in again, you're fired. Got it?" My secretary looked terrified, but nodded eagerly.

I dragged Seo-yeon to the elevator, and when it opened Taehyung stepped out watching the situation. Grabbing both of the bitch's arms, I get in her face. "i won't hesitate to kill you if you keep pulling your bullshit. i know you threatened sophia using her disgusting mother that night in the hospital. i
would rather die alone, never having another woman, then be anywhere near your slutty ass... get it straight... never. gonna. happen... n.e.v.e.r." I threw her to the floor in the elevator and pressed the lobby button.

I took out my cell phone and called security. I told them to take a picture of the trash in the elevator, and if they let her in again, they'll be out of a job. After the call I turned to Taehyung. He is looking at me with raised brows, but doesn't say anything.

"How's the precious Olivia? Does she miss her Uncle Tae?"

"Sure Hyung... I'm sure she does. She loves you and Yeontan." Taehyung hyung is beaming thinking my 3 months daughter might actually miss him... "Maybe this weekend then? I could bring Jimin with me." I nod and then sit down and get to work.



Jungkook has changed... He's mean as a snake lately. If he doesn't like you, or something you've done, watch out. I mentioned a dinner at Jin's restaurant with all the guys, and he glared at me. "If that fucking Dr. Kim is going to be there, then I won't." I feel really bad for Namjoon hyung as he waits to be forgiven... I think it'll be a long wait.

The only time Jungkook smiles lately is with Olivia. It's really nice to see him with her, most of the time. I have noticed that occasionally, he'll be holding her, and his gaze will change. He will get a look like he's mad at Olivia. He will immediately put her down, or hand her off to someone. I know that he isn't actually angry at Olivia, but he's just plain pissed that he lost Sophia.

The scene with Seo-yeon the other day was a little scary. He definitely left marks on her from his grip on her. He hates that girl so much, and I hope his parents don't try to force anything on him. He's not ready, and he may never be. Having loved the perfect woman, the one who was put on this earth just for you... There can't be a substitute for that.

Mr. Jeon has been keeping Jungkook busy at work. I stay as close as possible, but sometimes it's difficult with my own duties. I overheard his father talking on the phone the other day, and it seems there is some pressure from the board of directors to get Jungkook a wife. I don't know why, in our culture, successful people are required to be married. He is handling his job, and having a wife won't help that. In fact, I think it'll be a distraction, since he doesn't want it.

I'm driving to pick up Jimin, so we can visit Jungkook. At the dinner the other night, there was alot of talk about taking turns to visit Kook once he moves back to his own house. Jin will be making meals for him regularly, and visiting him, and the baby, on Sundays. The rest of us will find a night every week to stop by. I asked Jungkook if he wants to hire a nanny, offering to do interviews, but he doesn't know what he wants.

Jimin says his new wife's sister is a preschool teacher. He suggested that he could see if she'd like to do the job. I think it's best to see how Jungkook deals with things once he's home first. My plan is to stay with him the first few nights he's there. The day he came to the house, he broke down completely. I'm hoping that when the damages are all fixed, and the nursery is ready, he'll be able to view it as home.

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