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"B-but before you said that- and you- but then," I stuttered out of control. Jellal laughed and made his way towards me. I stared at his face for a sign of him lying but I couldn't see it. Jellal loved me.

"You are always in my mind and I can't stop thinking about you no matter how hard I try. Your scarlet red hair drives me crazy, your beauty makes me want to just kiss you all over!" His hands touched my face and he wiped a few stray tears away.

I don't know how long I've been waiting for Jellal to say this to me. Ever since we were young I knew we had a different type of bond.

"Don't cry angel..... Why would I ever love someone other than you?" Our foreheads touched and I felt a tiny spark. A spark that told me that I needed him. I was craving him. He was my strawberry cake.

Me and Jellal cuddled on the couch until I stopped crying. It was late but Jellal didn't want to fall asleep until he knew I was ok.

"How do you feel?" He whispered into my ear. I shivered and clung to his tall frame for warmth.

"I'm sorry for acting like that, Jellal." I blurted out. He smiled and kissed my cheeks until there were no more tears.

"It's ok. As long as you're happy again."

The next morning I woke up to the sound of Natsu and Lucy yelling at each other. Jellal had his head on my chest and was snoring softly. I didn't want to wake him up so I carefully pushed his body off of me and walked into the kitchen.


"Why not? Everything must be hot or it won't taste good!"


They both closed their mouths and stared at me. Natau had pancake mix all over his clothes with a large bottle of hot sauce in his hand. Lucy was trying to grab it out of his hands but she was way too short.

"I was trying to sleep! What's the big deal anyway?"

"I was trying to make pancakes for everyone but Natsu keeps trying to pour hot sauce in it," Lucy huffed. Natsu rolled his eyes and chugged down half of the hot sauce in one gulp.

"You guys argue like an old married couple," I smirked mischievously. Lucy blushed and turned to flip the pancakes. Jellal walked into the kitchen with his hair in a big blue mess and kissed my cheeks softly.

-At the Fun Park-

Me and Jellal wanted to spend some time alone so we snuck off to the Carnival. It wasn't easy tricking Natsu and Lucy but Somehow we found a way to escape.

"What ride should we go on first, Erza?" Jellal had his arm around my waist as we walked past different attractions.

"Oooo a sword show!" I grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the tent with a trail of sand floating behind us. Once we walked inside, my eyes widened at all the different types of swords. I owned most of the swords that were being displayed and I wasn't that impressed.

"Don't tell me that you already have all of these!" Jellal sweat dropped and trailed behind me. "And please explain to me why you're wearing armor to a Carnival," Jellal groaned. I looked down at my attire and chuckled at myself.

"Oops! How could I forget to put on the special bikini I bought just for you," I smirked mischievously. Jellal squinted his eyes in confusion and watched me use my magic to equip my new bikini.

After I used my magic all of the males in the tent stared at me in awe. Jellal had a faint blush on his cheeks, and a drop of blood slowly dripped from his nose. I was wearing a white glitter bikini. It was a little on the tight side but I thought Jellal would love it.

"W-what are you guys staring at! She's mine, bastards!" Jellal started freaking out and I felt like something bad was going to happen.

"We should leave before we cause any trouble, Jellal," I whispered into his ear. I could tell that he was angry and sexually frustrated at the same time. I wrapped my fingers around his muscular arm and dragged him out of the tent. When we were outside Jellal did nothing but stare at my breast.

"You're not going to squeeze them like you did last time are you?" I smirked at him. He moaned and pulled my body closer to his.

"You can't wear something like that and expect me not to do anything." Jellal nibbled on my neck, while resting one of his hands on my left boob.

"What if someone see's us!"

"You're right..... Follow me." He pulled me towards a tent that was called 'The Love Room' and I felt the color drain from my face.

"Nervous, sweet cheeks?" I shook my head and gulped loud enough for him to hear.

"It will only hurt in the beginning," he assured me. His support made me feel a little better but a part of me was telling me that I wasn't ready. It's not like I was afraid of having his penis inside of me. Was it going to fit? Jellal walked into a small part of the tent with a bed and closed the curtain behind him.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment," he growled. His eyes were filled with lust and I slowly felt myself getting sexually frustrated as well.

"Come and get some!" Jellal smirked at my sudden outburst and slithered his arm to the strap of my bikini bottom. Why am I sooooo freaking nervous right now?! Hold it together Erza!

Jellal yanked my bikini bottoms off without any further thought. I wasn't embarrassed to show him my body because it wasn't anything he hasn't seen before. Hehehe ;)

"Puberty did you good," Jellal teased me. He pushed me down on the bed and massaged my boobs while kissing me. I moaned a couple times and I suddenly felt my inner thighs becoming moist.

"Let's just get this over with. You got a condom?" I rolled my eyes and searched the tent for any condoms. As I looked around, a sudden wave of nervousness washed over me again.

"H-here you go, J-Jellal," I spoke nervously. He ripped the foil off and handed the circular plastic to me.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, babe. And if you're worried because it's your first time just remember that I'll stop whenever you tell me to." I nodded my head and looked at the condom.

"You want me to put it on?"

"Pretty please?" He stuck his lip out and widened his hazel eyes. I nodded and pulled down his swimming trunks slowly. His member bounced out and it smacked me right in the face.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? YOU'RE DI-" he laughed and put his hand over my mouth.

"Sorry it was an accident," he laughed hysterically. I rolled my eyes and slid the condom on. 'Let the fun begin' I whispered to myself. Jellal grabbed my waist and thrusted inside of me.

That was the last thing I Remember before I went crazy.

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