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Evie and Carlos has been on the Isle for half a year now, and things were still changing. The Isle they once knew as young children was now a better place all around, and it was still changing. Evie and Carlos have been dating the last four months; when they had time of course.

More shipments of things they needed were being brought to them. Making life a little easier. Since they do not have to try and grow as many things, and Carlos does not have to make as many things.

King Ben has also taken four of the younger kids. Who were Celia, Squeaky, Squirmy, and CJ. Since Dizzy refused to go without Evie.

The device Carlos has made is working very well. And they usually talk to Mal and Jay once a week on facetime. It does have it different perks though; which make their voices sound like elves from time to time. Otherwise it does very well considering the barrier is very resistant.

Dizzy was still living on the isle, but had been freed since her mother and grandmother think that she is in Auradon. She is now living with Evie and Carlos, and helping with sewing and growing food. She missed some of the kids her age, but she would have missed Evie more. Plus she loved annoying Evie and Carlos about their relationship.

Uma was still working hard for the isle. She worked most of the day for her mother, but she would still help Evie Carlos and Dizzy on things that needed to be done for the isle kids.

In Auradon Mal was still adjusting to being lady of the court which was making her life quite busier. She was still dating prince Ben and most everything has been going well for them. Mal still called Evie when she was getting to stressed, and she is glad Evie almost always picks up.

Jay stills plays tourney and is the second in command on swords and shields. All the girls still faun over him, and he is still the same old Jay. Oh and he also had a not so friendly chat with Doug  about him breaking Evie's heart.

Ben the king of Auradon. Has finally managed to get four more kids off the Isle. Now he just has well um about... twenty more. And he is determined to get every one of them off that island.

The other heroes are finally understand villain kids are not bad just because their parents were. They are still kind of weary about them though. Since there parents did wrong them. But at least now they did not despise the idea.

Everyone's life changed for the better; because of what happened, and what choices were made by the villain kids. Now there was hope throughout the Isle that all the villain kids would have a chance to go to Auradon.

Life changes in many ways. Good ways and bad ways, right ways and wrong ways. Sadly all you can do is embrace whatever change it is.

The End

What you didn't think it was the end of the story did you? (Do you get it?)

Anyways first things first I am planning a sequel for this story. Would you guys like a sequel? If you do please comment.

I am also taking some request for this sequel so if you have something you want to see in my story just tell me.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this book if you did please vote. And tell me what you thought of it

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