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After another minute Evie calmed down, and sighed, "My mother is what happened." She says to her worried friends. As she slowly gets back up. From the couch.

"What did your mother do? " Jay asked defensively.

"Just surprised me is all. She left me alone after I yelled at her." Evie replies

"Wait Evie the fairest of them all who has always listened to her mother defied her enough to make her leave!" Mal joked.

Evie rolled her eyes, not in the mood at the moment, " "Haha very funny Mal." She sarcastically said.

"Wrong time?" Mal asked and shrugged.

"Definitely." Evie said looking at Mal. "So when are you guys leaving?" Evie asked not wanting any of the AK's to come here.

"We were actually packing, but will you two please come home with us." Mal begged her two friends sadly.

Evie sighs, " I have to stay the isle needs me. We will meet again though Mal someday when these two world's come to meet."

Mal nodded, " Yeah I know but that could take ages you know no one trusts VK's no matter how nice they are." Mal sighs knowing no matter how much begging she does Evie would not change her mind, and Carlos would go wherever she goes.

"Come on you two we are the core four. We would not be the core four without you two. We would be the core two." Jay pleads to his two friends.

Evie sighs. They were not making this any easier, "Jay we will always be the core four. I just cannot live a life in Auradon any longer." Evie then took something from her pocket; handing it to Mal and Jay. "Dizzy did something similar to this when I left for Auradon. So I had her make these for us." Evie said while looking at her piece.

Jay and Mal's both looked at their's confuse since it was just a green heart with Evie's and Carlos' name on each side.

Evie saw the confusion on their faces and explained what it is. "It is a friendship necklace. When you put all four together it makes a four leaf clover." Evie then grabs all four putting them together to show what she meant. " These are for we never forget each other. And that we still have a piece of each other even though we will be apart." Evie said handing the green hearts back out.

She heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "Guys go hide in the closet Carlos you stay with me and let me tell Uma you are going to help us." Evie commanded quietly as the two ran to her closet.

Hey E I am back, and are you okay the Evil Queen came into my mom's shop, and said that she found you." Uma said not even noticing Carlos who was standing right by Evie.

"I am fine Uma just a little sore is all. Your mother did a worst toll then my mother did." Evie replies as she goes to the bedroom to gets Squeaky's and Squirmy's outfits for Uma to bring to them.

When Evie was gone Uma noticed Carlos. "Are you the only one that came for Evie?" Uma basically growled. Evie heard this and quickly walks back out of her room.

"Uma, he's the only one and he wants to help the Isle too." Evie quickly said walking in front of her friend protecting him.

"Are you sure."  Uma asked Evie not wanting any trouble

Evie nodded. "One hundred percent sure."

Uma sighs, "I am trusting your word Evie now come on I have some kids  who want to see you."

You go ahead I have one more outfit to finish before coming over I will be there in about thirty minutes." Evie replies try to buy some time for she could talk to to Jay and Mal and see them off.

Uma nodded, "Okay but do not stress if you do not finish. These kids will pester me. So you better be there in thirty minutes." Uma groaned, she loved helping the villain kids but the young ones get on her last nerve. Uma then walked out going to her ship.

Evie went to her closet and motioned for Mal and Jay to come out Evie then sighed knowing Mal and Jay had to leave for multiple reasons. She knew they did not want to leave  her and Carlos ,but it was to dangerous for all of them. "You guys have to go now!" Evie says sadly as she started leading them towards the stairs.

Mal nodded, "Are you sure you do not want to come home with us?"

"Yes I am sure Mal." Evie says sadly.

Mal sighs, " Alright then send us letters you two and make sure to not leave us hanging."

Evie nodded, " I will not leave you hanging, and please send us some letters too. To let us know what is going on through the barrier."

Carlos smiles sadly, " Cause we are rotten..."

"To the core!!"  all four yell out together, before hugging each other goodbye."

Mal and Jay then walked down the stairs heading towards the barrier. Where they would leave to go back to Auradon.

Evie sighs one more time before grabbing her heart box, and telling Carlos to follow her. Evie walked slowly down the dirt covered streets looking to the barrier, and seeing Mal and Jay getting smaller and smaller. After a minute of looking back. Evie stood straight knowing she had made the right decision. Evie had a job to do and she had to do it. The villain kids need her. Maybe someday the hero kids and the villain kids could see eye to eye, but right now she need to focus; on the task right in front of her. Which was seeing the villain kids, and making outfits for them to wear. And making sure that they have food to eat.

Evie then boarded Uma's ship hearing the shouting of the impatient VK's. Who were waiting for her. She smiled she had found where she belonged.

The End

Just kidding I still have a few more chapters. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did please vote.

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