Back To The Isle

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Evie was lying down on her bed; waiting for Mal to return. Evie looked at the clock seeing it was now 10:15 in the evening. Evie puts two and two together, and figures Mal is sleeping over with Ben.

Evie gets up unable to sleep at the moment, and goes over to her closet where a box labeled isle stuff layed. Evie knelt down, and opened the box of her prize possessions. One of them being her magic mirror. Many people think she gave it to the museum, but for the truth she replicated it and gave the replica to Fairy Godmother. She also pulled out one of her most fashionable isle outfits. She missed wearing this! She continued looking through the box seeing some jewelry Dizzy had made for her right before she left.

Evie sighed remember what Dizzy had said to her a few hours before they left for Auradon (flashback)

Evie had just finished packing her bag for Auradon when she heard a knock on her door of the hideout. Evie knowing it was Dizzy, opened the door, and prepared for an embrace. Dizzy did just that shedding a few years. Evie could not blame her. She wanted to cry too, but her instincts were telling her otherwise, and she had to stay strong for Dizzy.

"Do you have to go?" Dizzy asked sadly still hugging Evie tightly.

Evie sighed, " Yes I am sorry Dizzy, but I do have to go."

Dizzy head was hanging low more and more tears falling from her face onto Evie's leather outfit. Evie looked at Dizzy sadly, before deciding what to do. Evie leaned down and tilted Dizzy's face up for they were looking eye to eye. "Dizzy listen I will never leave your heart, and I will never forget you. And one day, well one day we will see each other again."

Dizzy sighed, " Your right I will never forget you, but how do you know you will not forget me?"

Evie thought for a minute before taking the tiara she had on off, and putting it on Dizzy head, Dizzy laughing at the gesture since she love the tiara Evie had on . Evie again looked Dizzy straight in the eyes, "Let that be a reminder that I will never forget you."

"Wait  really!" Dizzy asked excitedly while Evie just nods her heads, before Dizzy shrieks happily, but Evie was not done gifting yet.

"That is not all!" Evie said presenting her second most prize possessions her sketchbook, "Will you keep this safe for me?"

Dizzy shrieked again, "YES YES YES!, But I need to give you something too. Dizzy take one of her necklaces off, but this one was unique it had both of there name engraved on each side of a heart Dizzy gave her the side that said Dizzy's name. "Here take this I made it a few weeks ago and meant to give it to you then, but Grandmother Tremaine kept me busy.

Evie smiled as she put it in her bag. "Thank you Dizzy, but now I have to go meet with the rest of the crew, and do not worry I will come back for you someday, and you know that I always keep my promises.

Dizzy nodded sadly as she gave Evie one more hug, "I love you Evie and I will miss you so much." Evie sheds a year I will too, bye Dizzy."

Evie runs to Maleficent's home.
                    End of flashback

Evie put on the necklace with Dizzy's name on it. Looking at the name. Evie promised Dizzy she would return, and she would and probably sooner then later at this point. She laid back down on her bed thinking about going back.

A million thoughts in my head
Should I let my heart keep listening
Cause up till now I walked the line
Nothing lost but something missing
I can't decide what's wrong what's right
which way should I go?

If only I knew what my heart was telling me
I don't know what I'm feeling is this just a dream
If only I could read the signs in front of me
Then I could find the way to who I'm meant to be
Oh, oh,oh
If only, if only.

Evie got up once again and looked at the isle before looking to her closet she shared with Mal. She went into it and grabbed a suitcase, but before packing she went to write a note for each of her friends.

Evie could not act like she was this prissy princess that she is not anymore. She needs to return to her roots before she goes insane. A bit of time in Auradon was nice, but she could not stand it anymore; everyone still talks behind their back, and she plain old tired of it.

Do not get her wrong the isle is just as bad, but at least she had a bit of respect; because of who her mother was wrong, plus why should she be here enjoying the perks of Auradon when her fellow villain kids  are still suffering over on the isle. Getting villain kids over was a slow process, and Evie could work faster in the isle itself. She coul escape her mother. The biggest problem was a three letter name Uma.

Evie was sure Uma has risen to power since Mal and Maleficent were gone, and Uma is known for holding grudges. And The core four and Uma's crew have been long time enemies. Evie was sure Uma would still be mad at her; because she chose Mal over Uma, but she also knew Uma just wanted the best for the villain kids, so maybe just maybe they could put their past grudges behind them. And work together to help the villain kids.

Evie started packing her large suitcase with clothes that were hers, and extra for the villain kids who would need them. She packed her accessories. She set her bathing stuff in there too along with a whole package full of fresh water.

After Evie finished packing it was around midnight, and Evie was now sitting at her desk writing notes to the rest of her friend so they would not come looking for her, when she wants to be left alone.

Evie then quietly walked to the boys room and unlocked their door putting the notes on each of their beds. She then went back to her room to look for a spell in Mal's spell book. Once she found the one she needed. She wrote it down on a piece of paper.

She then left the room as nice as it was when she first saw it. She had one more stop to go before she could go home, and that was the grocery store to pick up some fresh things for the villain kids  to eat. Then she would go to the shore. Before she would go back home...

To the isle.

Here's chapter five. I hope you enjoy. If you do please vote.

NOTHING belongs to me  all of the characters and song belong to Descendants.

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