The New Device

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A/N I did not check for Grammar issues so beware.

Evie sits on the Isle's edge Carlos was right beside her. Today they were trying to call Auradon. It has a month since contillion, and Carlos new machine was ready to be tried out. Carlos turned it on seeing the contacts he had added in. "Well here we go." Carlos muttered to himself as he pressed Mal's name. It rang a few seconds before someone picked up.

"Hello?" Mal asked confused by the number.

Carlos did not say hi, but started celebrating, " It worked it worked!!!" He cried out in happiness

Evie knew Mal was about to hang up because she probably thought Carlos was some crazy person. So she picked up the new device, "Hey M it is Evie and Carlos, sorry about him he has been working on this thing for the past few weeks, and he is super excited that it actually worked." Evie stuttered out.

Mal smiled ear to ear, "Hey E it so great that he finally got it working now we can finally talk to each other without sending notes."

"Yeah it is!" Carlos said recovering from his celebration.

"So how has everything been over there? " Evie asked Mal.

" Good very good actually. Jay and I have been enjoying the summer. How have you two been?"

"Busy ." They say in unison making Mal laugh.

Evie then replied, "I have been busy teaching the younger kids how to do some of the work around here. " Evie says

While I was spending every moment I have on creating this device for we could communicate." Carlos says.

Evie and Carlos' image on the phone starts flickering. " Mal we better go I have a few more tweaks to make before we can make the calls longer."

"Bye Mal talk to you later hopefully." Evie said smiling at her friend before hearing Dizzy and Celia yelling to her that the sewing machine broke. Evie sighs "I better help them I will see you at the hideout later." Evie says before running towards the two girls.

Carlos then ended the call and started looking at his device. Before heading back to the hideout. To start adding tweaks that needed to be done.

Evie went to Dizzy and Celia seeing that, the sewing machine did not have any tread left. Evie groans she had told Dizzy and Celia to check the thread before calling her, but oh well. "Girl there is no thread left Evie says simply as she pulled another spool from her pocket, and placing it in Dizzy hands.

Dizzy smiled, "Thanks Evie."

Evie returned the smile, "You are welcome now I have to go help Uma at the chip shop. I will see you back at the hideout tonight." Evie told Dizzy as she grabbed her apron she had made, and headed the chip shop.

Carlos walked up the flight of stairs and sat down at his work table, and started to tweak the wiring. He then added a locater just in case Jafar ever tried to steal. Which Carlos knew could definitely happen. Carlos added another wire trying to make the connection better. Which was proving to be more difficult than he first thought.

This device was the most important one he would ever make. It could connect the isle and Auradon. So he had to make it right. Otherwise he might have to remake it again.

Evie sits on the counter waiting for Uma to tell her what to do. Uma came in a few minutes later holding a few empty trays.

"Can you wash these for me." Uma asked.

Evie slid down from her place, " Of course!" She says starting on the dishes."

Uma started cooking some old fish. " So I heard Carlos finally got that invention working."

Evie nodded, " Yes we tried it out earlier this morning; and it finally worked! Well for a little while anyways. Carlos still has a few tweaks to make on it. Before we can make a long call." Evie says happily.

Uma smiled. The Isle is already turning around. If he can get this device to work. We will be able to get more supplies we need. Now if only we could get a little sunlight around here. For the plants to grow easier."

"Yeah  you are right about that. The lamp I have is not cutting it. Maybe Carlos and I could figure out something for that."  Evie says draining the dirty water from the sink, and then washing her hands. "I am all done Uma." Evie says as she take her apron up and puts it in her purse

"Thanks for the help Evie. You do not have to come everyday." Uma says

Evie hugged Uma, "I do not mind. I enjoy helping out. I will see you later."

Uma remembered something, " Evie wait! There is a party going on tonight at the dock. We would love if you and Carlos could make it."

Evie nodded making a mental reminder, " I will most definitely talk to Carlos about it. I will most likely see you there." Evie replies happily as she continued walking toward the door.

Carlos was about done tweaking his device. When Evie started walking up the flights of stairs. So he quickly finished adding the last wire in.

"Hey Carlos."  Evie said coming through the hallway and heading over to his work table. To see the progress he has made.

"Hey E I am finally done tweaking do you want to go back to the edge, and try the device out again?" Carlos asked standing up from his chair.

Evie nodded, "Of course I would. I am so excited we actually have another way to communicate now."

"I  am too!" Carlos says going down the flights of stairs Evie had just walked up; Evie quickly following behind.

They got to the edge of the Isle and turned it on seeing that it was not flickering as bad as it use to. "Well it is not flickering as bad." Carlos told Evie happily as he continued the process.

Soon his contacts pop up, and he hits Jay's this time knowing that by now he would just be playing videogames.

"Hello?" Jay asked confused by the new number.

"Hey Jay it is Carlos and Evie." Carlos told his frien waving at the screen."

Jay confusion quickly went away, " You finally got it to work!!" Jay basically yells through the screen."

"Yep  it works." Evie says to Jay.

They talk for an hour or so. Before Jay had to go to tourney practice. Carlos and Evie both high fived each other.

"The device finally worked we spoke an hour without it glitching!!!" Carlos says jumping up and down

Evie was beaming with happiness, " I know you did it Carlos. And I have an idea how to celebrate. A party is going down on the dock tonight for the villain kids we were invited." Evie tell her more than friend.

Carlos stopped jumping, "That sounds like a great idea! Let's go change before doing so though. I am pretty sure no one wants to see me in my fire resistant clothing."

" Okay Evie agreed as they walked back home.

And chapter 17 comes to an end. I am pretty sure this is my last main chapter, but who knows with me. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter if you did vote.

Evie Of The IsleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora