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Mal and Jay finally got across the sea and we're back in Auradon. Mal looked a her part of the necklace which had Evie's engraved on it. Auradon would not be the same without Evie or Carlos. And neither would they.

Ben came running to them. He had just realized that they were gone. He had been busy with king work. And since it was a weekend no one noticed them missing.

"There you two are... Wait where is Evie and Carlos? Ben asked confused since Evie was not in her room and Carlos was not in his. He thought they must have went out all together. But he only sees Mal and Jay.

"Long story." Mal and Jay says at the same time. Not wanting to talk about why they were not with them, but Ben needed to know.

Mal sighs, "They went back to the Isle to help the villain kids." Mal said bluntly.

Ben looked at the two in surprised. He would have expected Mal and Jay to go back first. Not Carlos and Evie who he thought had adjusted well to the Auradonian life. "Wait Carlos and Evie, the technology nerd and the fashionista went back to the Isle why?"

Mal replied, "It got to stressful for Evie, and she knew that the villain kids needed help so she went back. Carlos saw the change in the Isle and also wanted to stay and help."

"Oh" Ben said sadly. " I guess I will tell Fairy Godmother.

" Ben wait! The isle has really changed. They are hoping that you will send for more of them. " Mal says hoping Ben will get on getting more Isle kids away from their parents.

Ben sighs he wants to get more kids from the isle, but it was a longer process now. "I am trying my best Mal, but the only reason I got you four off so quickly; was because it was my first decree. Trust me I want to get them out of there too, but many of our parents do not trust them. They think that you four only became good because you wanted to betray your parents." Ben said sadly knowing that the Auradon kids parents were wrong. Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos. Were to afraid of their parents. They chose good because they loved Auradon, and the people there, yet they still quietly dislike them.

Mal and Jay sighed, knowing that the heroes still disliked them, but if they lived on the isle abused everyday and barely staying alive. They would do the same thing that the Isle kids were doing!

"We know Ben, and we understand that. That is why Carlos and Evie are staying. To help them while you continue working on getting them out of that horrid place." Mal comforted, as she and Jay walked to their dorm rooms.

The room was oddly silent, and it was to clean for her liking. All those nights she would get annoyed at Evie's buzzing sewing machine or sketching pencil. She now wished to hear them

Jay walked into his dorm and it immediately felt off as well. Instead of hearing Carlos' muttering about some kind of technology nonsense. or hearing the sound of shooting from the video games they usually play. It was absolutely silent. He looked around and decided he would go to Mal's dorm for the night, since Fairy Godmother has already did bed check. He would just have to be quiet.

Jay went to Mal's dorm, and sees Mal sketching their friendship necklaces. "Hey Mal." Jay said

Mal jumped not expecting Jay to be there. "JAY!!! Do not scare me like that! And what are you doing up? " Mal said surprised

"I  could be asking you the same thing." Jay replies.

Mal sighs, " I am up because I am so use to hearing Evie's sewing machine buzzing in my ear or at least some kind of noise." Mal admitted.

Jay nodded, "Same here I am use to hearing Carlos' muttering about some kind of technology or one of our race car games, playing lowly."

"You  want to stay here for tonight Evie's bed is open, and I could use some company." Mal tells Jay as she finishes her sketch, and turns off her lamp.

"Yeah I think I will for tonight I need the company too." Jay says lying down on the blue comforter.

On the Isle Evie and Carlos had just finished their meeting with Uma and we're walking across the isle quietly;both stuck in their own thoughts.

"Hey Evie."  Carlos whispered quietly.

Evie turned to look at him, "Yes Carlos." Evie asks

"Are we ever going to go back to Auradon?" Carlos asks nervously

Evie sighs at the hard question, "I hope so, but it most likely will not be for a while. I want to make sure everyone else is off the island before us." Evie answered hope filling her voice.

Carlos nodded, " I do not think I will ever get adjusted to how different the Isle is from when we lived here." Carlos says.

Evie nodded, "Yeah I know I am still getting use to not having to steal or watch my back at night. I can actually just walk without slouching or strutting. But at least it has changed for the better."

" I do not think the Isle could get any worst than what it was when we lived here." Carlos says somewhat jokingly.

Evie chuckled, " That is true. It was pretty bad when we lived here. By the way thanks for staying I would be lonely. I mean I have Uma and Dizzy, but they both work for their parents so I am alone most of the day." Evie says.

Carlos gulped speaking of Uma do you think she dislikes me?" Carlos asked nervously."

Evie  laughed softly, "Uma does not trust you yet. Give her time the only reason she warmed up to me so quickly, was because of the dress and note I sent to the isle." Evie replied as they enter the hideout where Dizzy happily greeted them.

Evie smiles at Dizzy before pulling out some old tools. "Come on let's fix our shelf she said to Dizzy who follows her to her room. Carlos following behind

Here's chapter 14 I hope you enjoyed if you did vote and have a merry Christmas Eve!

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