"are you scared at I might get her away from you?" his brother challenged him.

"as if you could do that, because we're getting married sooner." jungkook smirked that made his family surprise except his mom.

He didn't tell them?!

"I found another brush!"

We all shifted our attention to the woman who just shouted. She's also surprised that I'm here but she smiled at me. She put the strands of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"uhm. I invited eunha since she's like a relative to us." mom broke the silence.

Jungkook just nodded and held my hand. Everyone became so busy preparing our dinner. Jungkook was so clingy that I have to force him to do work.

I took a brush and grilled meats too, to help his mother.

" hi.. "a voice from behind stopped me from putting oil on the meat.

Eunha stood beside me and helped me grill. She put oil to the meat she grilled that made a sizzling sound.

" It's been a while. " she added and smiled at me." how have you been? "she asked

I bit my lower lip. It's our first time talking like this and she even asked how am I.

" I'm good, how about you? "I asked her back

" I'm good too, actually I've been thinking If I will renew my contract or not. " she answered

" why are you having a second thought? "

She shrugged." I'm always insecure but, I'm thinking if I could live a peaceful life somewhere. Since  I've been working for my whole life. "

I nodded before putting the cooked meat on the plate.

"before that, I just want to apologize for what I've done before. I'm so immature." she forced a laugh to lighten up the atmosphere.

I looked at her  and she's just looking at the meats we're drilling. She looked so embarrassed.

"I want to live my my life peacefully and that includes your forgiveness. I did immature things just because I'm jealous of you and jungkook. I really liked him before, but I finally accepted that he will always love you, and only you." he smiled and had the courage to face me.

" can you forgive-" I cut o her off my hugging her.

" be free. "

I used to hear someone saying 'be free' because I'm always carrying the burden of my past, and now, I'm the one who's saying it to someone.

"we can be friends right?" she asked like pleading.

I let go of her and nodded. "it's not too late. So, can I ask you to attend our wedding too?"

She smiled. "of course...."

After that dinner, we went home to jungkook's condo where yewon is still living. His condo was still fine, my clothes were still here. The things, like even the small details were still the same. It's clean.

It's almost 12 when I went out of the bathroom with my oversized shirt and pajama. I blow dried my hair before going out of the room. I saw jungkook leaning on the rails of the veranda, holding a beer in his hand.

I cleared my throat and stood beside him. Everyhting, the memories that we have in this place rushed inside my head. The comfort, the sweetness, the view of the city lights in front of us. Deja vu?

"the first time we met, I really hate you, or not? Or I'm just forcing to hate you that time because I don't want you to get close to me. I mean, you're good at everyhting, even making girls fall for you. I told myself to avoid you, before it's too late. But it's not really about the timing. If love will hit you, there's no right timing and wrong timing. If you love, you'll feel it even if you kept on avoiding it. "

He held my hand firmly and stood behind me after putting his beer on the coffee table. His warmth enveloped my body.

" It's sounds like it's your vow for me, isn't it? " he asked in a hoarse voice.

I just smiled as a response.

" you stayed until you take down all the walls around me. You made me realize that I have to treasure what's in front of me, and let go of something that's just a burden. You made me feel that I'm enough, that I have worth." I paused and faced him.

My back is leaning against the rails, against the beauty of the city lights. His arms are still around my waist, holding me  like a treasure.

I raised my hand until it reached his face. He  closed his eyes when he felt the warmth of it.

"I love you." I said it while looking straight to his eyes. I leaned closer to his face and kissed his forehead. "I love you." I said it again while kissing the tip of his nose. "always." I finished before kissing him.

The man who patiently waited for me, wasted his 6 years just to find me. The man who chose to looked for me even though there's someone's who's willing to stay beside him. The man where I found my comfort and love.

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sinkookstories: short stories about sinkook

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