"Itee ima holla at you" I said walking off and getting into my car .

I don't care to be honest but she had some bomb ass pussy and I don't like my time being wasted so I texted her to never contact me and we done and I blocked her on EVERYTHING .

Now I was late missing first block so I was speeding and I walked in class right when the bell had rung and Eirenae sat right behind me and sat with some people who knew who I was .

Soon class was coming to an end which I was thankful for because Eirenae was staring at me the whole class and I felt it .

She was talking and all I heard was "Call me EJ" and she held out her hand .

I was distracted by the bruises on her face and I was taking in her features but not for too long .

"Likewise call me King" I said I really wasn't in the mood because of what happened earlier and i won't really trying to take it out on her .

"So are you going to sit down or not we only have 5 minutes left of class" I said because she was still standing and I know her legs were getting tired .

"Well in that case do you want to hang out after school or this weekend if I have nothing to do" I said because I really don't know if I have something or not to do .

"Yea that's cool take my number and text me " she said I was kinda excited but I didn't let it show .

I handed her my phone and started to think if I wanted to start dating or talking to another stud just in case me and EJ turn into something else .

She gave me her phone back and I seen that she had texted her self and saved her number as "EJ 🪢" weird choice of emoji but whatever .

2 hours and 45 minutes later.....

I get out of class I little earlier then normal some seniors don't have afternoon class some do and I don't thank the lord .

I'm walking to my car until I hear my name be called multiple times I already know who it is so I don't bother to stop and give her the time until she catches up to me at this point I'm already half way to my truck and I just knew it was a bad day to park far .

"King I know you heard me calling you" she said semi yelling .

"First of all lower you tone and two who the fuck are you talking to three remind yourself who your talking to now" I said now calm but deadly .

" I don't give not one fuck who you are why aren't you answering my text" she said sound like she was about to cry but I could care less .

"Umm dumbass did you forget that you cheated and lied and said you were visiting your aunt because she was sick" I said now raising my voice because I hate lairs with a passion .

"Ok and I'm sorry just take me back it was only one mistake I promise I won't do it again Nora" she said crying and that's when I lost my shit .

"YOU CHEATED ON ME YOU DUMB DELUSIONAL BITCH IM NOT TAKING YOU BACK AND THE FACT YOU LIED MADE IT WORST GET OVER YOURSELF THE WORLD DOESNT HAVE TO GO YOUR WAY.....and don't ever say my name out of you disgusting mouth you filthy pig" I said about to hop in my car but then she started shouting and hitting me .

And first I was just taking them because my mother ain't raise me like that before she was strug out on drugs but the I heard one thing and it made me snap

"Thats why your parents don't even want you why would you think I even want you" she said and she stoped realizing what she had said .

She froze I stood and looked at her for a breef second to think about what way I would go about it and she was pleading and saying was sorry over and over and I couldn't take it and blacked .

"Nora baby talk to me" I couldn't see for a minute and thought it was still Luna .

"MAN WHAT THE FUCK - oh...thanks Eirenae...a lot because I was about to catch a case" I said relaxing and remembering she told me to call her EJ but I forgot .

"It's ok who was that if you don't mind me asking " she said I could tell it was genuine and she wasn't tryna be nosy .

"My dumb ass ex she cheated and man I don't want to take her back " I said because this hoe trippin if she think I'm gonna take her ass back .

Then I realized we was standing by the same car I seen at the trap earlier .

"Oh well see you tomorrow or later" she said and she went to the car and started to get in it .

"What" she said confused as fuck .

"This you" i said pointing at the sexy ass car .

"Yea you thought we was standing by some ransoms car" she said .

"Hell yea" I said with all seriousness but she was laughing .

"Well yea dis me ima text you later though about when we gone meet up for this project" she said now in her car and driving away .

I wonder what the hell SHE was doing at the trap prolly for some weed .

With that I was on my way to pick up Rosie and spen had practice so I didn't have to worry about him right now .

I pulled up to the school and was waiting for Rosie and I finally spotted her and honked my horn and she spotted me and hopped in .

"How was school Rosie " I asked wanted to know .

"Ok but I already got work like omggg" she said pouting which made me laugh.

"Well here and don't ever break my trust and be afraid to tell me something and don't ever lie I don't care if its about the littlest thing" I said and with that I gave her the phone back and she squealed and hugged me and thanked me over and over .

We got home and I went straight to me room and FaceTimed the group chat with me Mari Cece and lexx in and once everyone answered they started to go on about their day the good and that bad .

" why you kinda quiet Nora " Cece asked .

"Nothing just thinking I guess" I said blainly .

"Well your the only one who hasn't said anything about their day so go ahead" Shay said .

And with that I told them EVERYTHING down to when I got up to now .

"Welll you think you and that EJ girl gon have something and what was she doing at the trap" Lexx asked.

"I don't know that last time I was with a stud it was traumatizing and I honestly don't know" I said .

"So we just gon skip over the fucking fact that you broke up with Luna AND she cheated just let me beat this bitch ass " said Cece

"No Cece and plus she not worth it she was just some good pussy at the end and she waisted my timed lied when she could've cut ties with me " I said not really caring .

After that call I went to fix dinner and go to pick up spen and come home and eat and then go to sleep .


' Welll...no comment .🥷🏾

12/29 .
Tuesday .

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