Before You Read (IMPORTANT)

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Hello:) Welcome.

Thank you for clicking on my story. 

First order of business- shoutout to my friend for the initial idea for this fanfic. This is dedicated to her ;) 

So this book isn't actually a book per say, because I didn't have enough substance/ideas for a full plot from the initial idea that my friend gave me. This book is simply ten one-shots, or pivotal/special/fun moments, in the relationship. THIS IS A VERY VERY VERY VERY SOFT FANFIC. I CANNOT EMPHASIZE THIS ENOUGH. Like this is mushy gushy central. Softer than soft. Like I wanted to throw up while writing it because it was so fucking adorable. If you're looking for a smutty thriller literally click off right now. This is basically the perfect book if you need a break from dark Harry and just want something happy and full of love.

Every now and then a song is mentioned in the story, and you don't have to play it, but you're totally welcome to, it'll only enhance the story more.

That is all...enjoy !! And TPWK !! <3


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