Start from the beginning

"Dia, hey, Dia. Breathe, ok? Just sit down and focus on breathing. I got you."

I helped her sit down, then immediately took pictures of what Regina did. If I can't murder her, I'll post pictures of what she did on as many platforms as possible. I'll even talk to Jared (bleh) as long as everyone sees these pictures. Then I start picking up the pieces and putting them back in the case. I have a feeling that Dia will want these later. After I finish cleaning up the crime scene, I've got to handle the more pressing situation. Dia. I have a car, but I don't know where she lives, so I can't take her home. Then I get an idea.

"Hey, Dia? Can I see your phone?"

She nods, then hands it to me, unlocked. I scroll through her contacts till I find one labeled Papá. That's Dad in Spanish, right? I hope so, cause I took German. I click on it and it immediately picks up.

"Dia, where are you? Rehearsal was over an hour ago! Are you ok?"

"Um, Mr. De la Vega? This is Dia's friend Connor. Something happened... but nothing too bad! She's not hurt! Well, not physically, maybe emotionally, but that's not the point! What I'm trying to say is something happened with Dia, and she's upset, so I'm bringing her over to my house so she can calm down and I can help her. I'll bring her home before dinner. I'm sure she'll explain everything when she gets home, so don't worry! Um, bye."

I hung up. Jeez, that was a train wreck. He probably thinks I'm kidnapping her. But I can fix my nonexistent relationship with my friend's father later.

"Dia, you're coming over to my house, ok? My mom and sister are at a doctor's appointment, so we won't have to deal with anyone. If I were you, I would just want to sit and cry until I get it all out, so that's what we're going to do. We're just not going to do it behind the science building. So c'mon, my car's this way."

She stood up shakily, and we started toward my car.

Dia's POV

I vaguely thought I heard Connor talking to my dad, but I'm still kind of in shock from what happened, so I'm not sure. Soon enough, we're walking to Connor's car. It's small and silver, with a big gash in the paint job on the front that could only have come from crashing the car. The ride to his house is silent except for the radio. After about fifteen minutes, we pull up outside a large house in a suburb, though I'm not exactly sure where we are minus that it's an area full of rich people. Contrary to what Connor said before, there's another car in the driveway, which does not make him happy.

"Darn it, appointment must have gotten canceled. Dia, when we go in, go straight up the stairs and to the right. My door has a blue friendship bracelet tied around the handle. You can wait in there, and I'll be right behind you once I deal with my nosy family."

We go inside. His mom and Zoe are in the kitchen, and seemed surprised when we came in.

"Connor, who is this?"

"Just go upstairs. Right, blue bracelet. I'll be right there, don't worry."

The tears are falling again. This is exactly why I didn't want people knowing about Regina. Now I'm causing problems for Connor.  I go upstairs anyway. To the right, blue bracelet. Connor's room is huge, with grey walls. He's got a big bed, a bookshelf next to a TV stand with an XBox on it, and two big beanbags. I sit down on one, before realizing that the door is still open and I can hear all the yelling downstairs.

Connor's POV

My mom started the argument. I had a feeling this one would be bad, especially since Zoe and I had been fighting lately, so she probably wouldn't take my side.
"Connor, what did you do to that poor girl?"

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