Chapter 17: Aftermath, Fear, and Preperation

Start from the beginning

Aizawa didn't want to scare them or make them fear walking around but he needed to stress the fact that villains were getting bolder now in their attacks and that they needed to be more careful. He refused to lose any students that easily because they didn't pay attention when they walked home alone away from the train station. He then wrote his phone number on the board and told them all. "If something happens call me right away and I will come for you. Even if it isn't the same villains from the USJ. If you come under attack from a villain or feel unsafe in some situation and need help then call me. I will come as soon as possible." Aizawa stated. After a few more things he decided to let everyone go and dismissed them. Izuku stayed in his seat since his uncle would be coming to his home tonight. Aizawa had been staying more and more at the shrine since he enjoyed time with his nephew and the shrine was bigger as well which made sure they both had their private space.

The so-called emo group all came over to Izuku and had thanked him for saving them during the attack. They asked if he wanted to hang out but Izuku declined. "I'm sorry but I want to rest after all that. Also, my uncle is coming to my home today and we were planning to cook an hour to so after he is done here since he had to do a lot of paperwork regarding this. So I plan to wait for him." Izuku stated. They accepted this and said they should train later together in the gyms when they had free time which Izuku did accept. 

Soon an hour had passed since the release of the school and Aizawa had returned to the classroom. He had finished the paperwork and was ready to go back to the shrine. Izuku just did the body flicker move and transported them to the shrine just like normal since he no longer had to hide his knowledge of that move from other people. 

The weekend went by and Izuku enjoyed it with his uncle. Aizawa had warned Izuku that the sports festival was coming up. Izuku didn't really need to train to do good since his skills outpaced everyone else but he did remember how the group had asked him if he wanted to train together. As such, Izuku decided to help them train. Izuku had texted the group since he had their phone numbers and they agreed to train for the upcoming sports festival. 

That is how they found themselves in the gym one afternoon once they all came back to school. Though today was not a normal day since when everyone had gotten up to go to lunch during the day they had run into the other classes that were waiting outside their door. These students were talking about how 1-A must think they are so good for fighting villains and that they would take them down. Izuku just saw a bunch of kids with egos. "Enough... you act so stupidly when you do something like this. You act as if this class asked to be attacked by the villains that were there to kill All Might. Who I might add wasn't on time and didn't show up until it was already over." Izuku stated. Everyone froze at his cold voice. He then moved forward to leave but one blond idiot from 1-B didn't want to drop the conversation. "You act tough and big. I wonder what your quirk is?" he said as he touched Izuku. Izuku realized that the kid had to have some sort of information quirk or copy quirk. 

"What.... why can't I copy your quirk? Are you quirkless?" He asked and everyone was shocked at that statement. "Oh... if you think I'm powerless then ask my class what I did at the USJ." Izuku said as he pushed his way through the crowd and walked away. The students looked at class 1-A for answers when Jiro answered. She explained the clones, the high-speed movement,s and then the fire breathing that wiped out the main villain that was bio-energized to kill All Might. "The last part is claimed by the villains, UA hasn't confirmed it to us or anyone though," Jiro stated. The other students felt a sense of dread down their spines at the fact that they were trying to piss someone like that off and the 1-B student was shaking and muttering about how that should be impossible and wondering why he couldn't copy the quirk.

Soon the rest of the day went by and Izuku was now standing in the gym with the classmates from his so-called emo group. Izuku had his uncle watching their training since it required a staff person. Izuku decided to lend the weight seals to each person and increased the weight until they could move with some challenge. The members of his group were shocked at these seals. "Consider it apart of my 'quirk'. My uncle Aizawa also uses these seals as well so you can trust their safety. If you wish to decrease the weight then press the mark on the lower half and to raise the upper mark." Izuku stated. They then got to work and practiced their quirks. Izuku kept getting annoyed at Todoroki's lack of his fire quirk. As such, Izuku pulled him off to the side and started to talk to him about it.

Todoroki explained how he pledged never to his use father's quirk. That he refuses to be like his father. Todoroki explained the details of his past and the abuse he suffered at the hands of his father. He went into detail about how his mother finally broke from the abuse and thought he was his father and threw boiling water on his face causing him to go slightly blind in one eye. 

Izuku was just getting more and more pissed with the heroes at the top of the chart. Izuku asked if Todoroki ever went and finished his mother because she could still actually love him. Todoroki was hesitant but said no he hasn't since he never considered it as an option. Izuku told him to go before the festival starts. In honestly, Izuku was thinking about using a dam Genjutsu on All Might and Endeavor since they were such crappy people. 

"Todoroki, I suggest you talk to Nezu about your father. He will help deal with your father. I know my bastard of a mother and father got off slightly easy but that is only due to neglect. He's full-on abused you and others and would have to be punished harsher. Society will also be less forgiving since he would be the second hero to be blasted for this since All Might showed his hand as well." Izuku stated and Todoroki said he would consider it. 

As such, they ended the conversation and went back to the training. Izuku helped them increase their situational awareness and dodging abilities by throwing blunted weapons at them with his clones. Izuku just had an evil smirk while he was doing it and they called him a slave driver by the end of the training. "You asked to train together. This is nothing compared to the training I do all the time. I'm wearing 1,000 pounds of weight on me at all times with my seal." Izuku stated and they paled at that number. The highest amongst them was 100 pounds and that was Todoroki!

Soon the training kept going for the next two weeks and Izuku hasn't been close to any of his other classmates. It has only been the friends from the emo group that still talk to Izuku all of the time. Izuku has grown closer to them as well in return to this fact and his walls were slightly let down but he still maintained them. He has also grown much closer to Jiro for unknown reasons to himself. Aizawa just keeps smirking at Izuku whenever he and she are together and Madara had made some weird jokes that Izuku never got. This was how the two weeks of training after the USJ had gone and now it was time for the sports festival to begin. Todoroki had come up to Izuku and thanked him for his advice. He had gone and spoken to his mother and had reconnected with her. He's also started to use his fire but it wasn't anything grand since he was still nervous about it. Izuku just told him that it would take time but he would get comfortable with it. "Remember, it's your power. He decided to use it to harm others for that sole purpose. Use yours to save and protect people while harming villains." Izuku said and Todoroki smirked a bit and thanked him before walking off. It was now time to start the UA sports festival and Izuku had planned to dominate the entire thing to show the world the strength and power of the Uchiha clan!

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