Chapter 9: Surgery, Recovery, & Training

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3rd Pov:

Izuku took a week to decide on the surgery. He had asked his master more questions about the surgery and the benefits of him doing it versus the disadvantages. Madara explained that there wasn't really any disadvantage besides a slightly higher increase in chakra consumption but with how much Izuku has trained in chakra control the difference wouldn't be really noticeable. Izuku decided to do the surgery but he was still scared. He had to take his own eyes out after all! They would use shadow clones to do it but he still had to be awake and they only had some medicine to numb the eye areas but Madara had stated that the pain would overcome the medicine easily. As such, Izuku will suffer unbearable pain and he has to resist the urge of his body collapsing to sleep under the pain. The reason was if for some reason the clones got dispelled he would need to make new ones. 

Izuku was nervous... but it was time for the surgery. Izuku had gotten a lot of water from the lake and boiled it. They had clean fabric ready and had laid some down for Izuku to lay on. After about 3 hours of preparing everything and sterilizing some knives that were in a storage scroll, they had ready. Madara showed Izuku where his original eyes were located at. It was hidden in a safe behind the Uchiha crest that was in the shrine hall where he found Madara at. Izuku did the hand seals as instructed and placed some of his blood. The seal came undone and a hole opened up and there were the eyes at. 

Now... it was time for the surgery. "It's okay to be nervous. This will be painful but you have survived the pain. You have survived the hatred. You will survive this and won't break. You will grow stronger so none one will look down on you again without suffering your wrath! YOU ARE A UCHIHA!" Madara shouted the last part. This solidified Izuku's will and they got to work. The clones grabbed the eyes of their master and the sterilized equipment as well. They placed some gloves on and injected Izuku with some of the numbing agents into Izuku face around his eyes. They waited for about 5 minutes and got to work. They pulled the eyelids back and used the medical ninjutsu and chakra scalpel to pull the eyes out. Izuku was screaming in pain. He was glad he had several extra clones made to hold him down to the ground. "MASTERRRRR IS HURTS SO MUCH! IT'S LIKE ALL THE PAIN IN MY LIFE COMBINED IN ONE MOMENT!" Izuku yelled. Madara just encouraged him to keep pushing through. The eyes had been taken out. That was the hardest part but it took about 5 minutes to do it which meant 5 minutes of pain! 

Now it was time to transplant the new eyes into him and heal him as they go in to ensure they attach to his body correctly. This was still painful but not as much as removing them. Izuku calmed down a bit during the to parts. He was breathing hard but gritted his teeth and told the clones to get to work. A clone was working on each eye to ensure it went faster. They slowly placed the eyes in and used the mystical healing hands Jutsu at the same time. It was around 10 minutes after they started placing them in that they finished. It took longer due to the fact that they needed to go slow to ensure they didn't damage anything and make sure everything attached. The clones wrapped Izuku's face in bandages since he would need to wear them for about 2 weeks before he could take them off. 

The clones didn't dispel since Izuku would not be able to see for two weeks. As such, they would do everything for him during the two weeks. They pulled Izuku over to the bed and laid him down and put a moist cloth on Izuku's forehead to help cool him down and help keep off a fever. As Izuku laid there he could hear his master speak to him. "Good job, my student. You have done well. Now just rest and let the clones take care of you for the next two weeks. We will spend this time just talking about our clan history more and other things you would like to ask." Madara stated. Izuku grunted out a yes to his master since he was so exhausted. As Izuku listens to his master start talking about the earlier history of the clan, Izuku soon fell to sleep as he listened to his master's words. 

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