Chapter 4: Escaping Home & New Shelter!?

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3rd Pov:

Izuku was running. Is heart was filled with anger! Pure unadulterated anger! His family has truly betrayed him... they truly didn't love him anymore just because he was quirkless! They couldn't even tell him that they were heroes! Instead, they told his abuser! They told the person that has made their own son's life hell! His father was going to give the quirk called One For All to a person that hates quirkless people! That has told his own son to kill himself! The foolishness of it all was driving Izuku to go further into his emotions! His eyes were burning again but Izuku didn't care! He needed to get home before ALL MIGHT & TELEK got there because he didn't want them to stop him! They only provide a roof and money which Izuku can work hard at getting to support himself! He also planned to take a large amount from an ATM before he made his escape since he couldn't use the card in the future since they would track it. 

Izuku made it home after a few minutes of running and found that his mother wasn't there yet either. He knew it was only a matter of time though! He needed to work quickly and get out. He grabbed some big duffle bags that he had bought while he was doing his training to carry stuff during the summer. They came in handy at this moment. Izuku started to pack all of his clothing into the first bag and his notebooks in it as well. In his next bag, he stored a lot of food that wouldn't spoil since he didn't know how long he would have to go without a good source of food. The final bag he left empty since he planned to store all of the cash he was going to get from the ATM from the bank card. He knew that his parents didn't place a limit on the bank card for purchases but he did some digging and the card had a withdrawal limit set by the company. The company was a famous bank for wealthy people which makes sense now that his parents are heroes! He found the withdrawal limit was $500,000 USD which was roughly ¥52,000,000 million Japanese yen! Izuku knew he would have to hit several ATMs before the company called his parents for hitting the limit but by that time they should find the note anyway. 

Izuku had finally calmed down and was starting to think better since he had his emotions under control. The burning sensation in his eyes had also come to a stop. Izuku was glad for that and knew one day he would have to look into it but not right now since he didn't have the time or energy to worry about it. As Izuku finished packing food and clothing he looked at his room and decided to destroy all of the All Might items. He refused to let the stuff stay intact since he couldn't get away with attacking the real All Might... he would get thrown in jail even if he was his son. 

After trashing his own room Izuku got to work on writing the letter addressed to his parents. The letter was damaging! If it ever got out to the public it would be a large hit to their reputations. 

Dear Toshinori & Inko Yagi,

By the time you are reading this letter, I will have already run away from the house. I'm kind of doubtful about how long it will take you to find this letter anyway. If you did find it quickly then good job! Wish you put that effort into being parents instead. When was the last time we actually sat down as a family and talked? When was the last time either of you cooked me a meal? When you cleaned my clothing? When you helped me with homework? When you looked at me in the face and said the words I love you and meant it? I can tell you... it was when I was around 4. The moment I was declared quirkless you started the push of shoving me out of your lives. At first only one of you was at home when I was young and that was fine! I at least had a parent to take care of me since I was a child! However, the more I grew older the more it turned into the fact that you were both gone nearly all the time. On the rare occasions that you came home, you would be too tired to talk to me and listen to my problems... you were too tired to be my parents... The first time I was left home 24/7 by myself was when I was 6... I WAS 6 YEARS OLD! I had to learn how to cook, clean, pay bills, buy clothing, make big adult decisions when I was only a small l child! You gave me a bank card and said use it to buy the things you need while we are gone. I raised myself because you were never home! I get it though... no one wants the quirkless child... especially the one that always wanted to be a hero... remember the last words you said to me Toshinori? They were be realistic? Yea.. I KNOW what your real jobs are. I also know about the truth regarding your quirk Toshinori... ironic you treated me like this when you know the pain so well!

The Forgotten Clan - Izuku Uchiha [HOLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora