Chapter 14: Start of UA

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3rd POV:

Aizawa had stayed at the shrine with Izuku the day before UA since Izuku could just transport them quickly. This meant Aizawa got to sleep more. Nezu had informed Izuku that the paperwork went through on his 'quirk' registration and it was listed as Natural energy manipulation. Izuku was happy with that since he could hide a lot within that label. Izuku and Aizawa had gotten up and ready for the start of UA. Aizawa had Izuku drop them off in a small park area that was near the school and then they walked the rest of the way in. Later on, as the others learned of Izuku's skills then Aizawa would have Izuku just drop them off inside the UA walls but that had to wait so Nezu or other teachers didn't get freaked out. During the break, they did have some run-ins with the Yagi's but they just ignored them and moved away. 

Aizawa just headed off towards the staff room while Izuku headed towards the classroom. He saw how big the door was and knew it was for intimidation effect instead of meeting people with large quirks. Izuku opened the door and found himself face to face with several familiar faces. One was the blue-haired kid who was yelling at Bakugo... Bakugo had his feet on his desk, then there was the girl with purple hair from the exam, and when he saw the girl that got saved by the purple-haired boy. The said purple hair boy looked like a mini-Aizawa (Yes, Shinso makes it in instead of Mineta. This is because he gets a few points but gets the rescue points that put him just a few above Mineta). Izuku started to walk in when the blue-haired boy looked over and came to Izuku. "You! You're the one that had his head in the pamphlet the entire time!" the now identified boy named Iida stated. Izuku just looked at him and didn't answer. This caused the boy to become tense from the awkwardness since he was used to people responding. Izuku just moved around him and started walking in again. Bakugo was about to say something but the girl Izuku knew as Jiro spoke first. "Hey, Uchiha! Nice to see you again. I'm glad we are in the same class and thanks for saving me in the exam." Jiro stated. Izuku nodded his head and said no problem as he sat down. The purple-head kid just looked up and then closed his eyes. The other students all came in and started to talk. The other girl that got saved came in and started to talk to her savior. Izuku then spoke. "I suggest sitting down since the teacher is here," he said and they all looked confused. "There's no tea-" started one student when Aizawa started to talk which scared everyone but Izuku who had noticed.

Everyone looked at the yellow caterpillar? Then Aizawa got out and pulled out gym uniforms. "Take these and get to the changing room and meet me out on the field," Aizawa said as Izuku got up and grabbed it. Then Jiro followed and then the rest got moving as Aizawa stated time was ticking. Everyone soon arrived on the field in their outfits. Some noticed Izuku's pin on his clothing but didn't say anything. Iida did make a comment. "That pin isn't meeting the school rulebook! I suggest you go remove-" he got cut off by Izuku raising a paper in front of him which stated he had permission from the Principal. "I have approval for it so mind your own business and become less stiff. Everything isn't black and white in this world. Everything isn't good or evil, yes or no. There's always an in-between." Izuku stated and Iida looked embarrassed and step back in with the others. Soon everyone arrived and Aizawa started to talk. 

Aizawa stated that they would have an apprehension test that will try out their abilities and that they were allowed to use their quirks or use anything to their advantage. Izuku loved hearing that. The student Izuku found out that was Uraraka asked why they weren't in the assembly and Aizawa said that UA is a freestyle teaching and he could do as he wished. Soon Bakugo was called up to do the first pitch and he scored about 400 meters. Some students made a comment about this test being fun since they could use their quirks. Izuku saw the evil gleam in his uncle's eyes. "God he makes an amazing Uchiha!" stated Madara from inside Izuku. Aizawa then placed new rules. Person to place last was going to be judged with no potential and expelled. The students started to say it wasn't fair but Aizawa just started to rant. "Guess what... life isn't fair. You are here as heroes to correct the unfairness! You are here to do better! Be better than the last generation! Do you think it was fair for All Might and Telek to neglect their child? Do you think it was fair that the child had to learn to survive by themselves even though there were other family members that could take care of them but their bastards of parents decided not to tell anyone that they were unable to care for their child when they had family and friends that would have done it? Guess what it wasn't. If you can't handle this bit of unfairness then get changed and go to the principal's office to be changed to general education or leave UA because this is the level I set in my class!" Aizawa stated. He was a bit annoyed currently since he saw All Might and Telek hiding in the distance. The students shut up and straightened up at the All Might and Telek comment. They all heard about it and their teacher was right. 

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