Chapter 12: Tense Meeting & Suprise

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3rd POV:

Izuku walked away from Jiro and started to head into the school. He could hear people mutter that he was really cold but he didn't care. He just kept on walking. "Remember Izuku... keep your emotions under control. We put you through all of that mental training for this moment. They are bound to be inside that room when you arrive." Madara stated. Izuku just listened in and kept moving. After about 10 minutes of walking from the exam site to the building, he arrived in the building and was standing outside of the staff room. He could have arrived quickly but didn't want to show his hand. He also wanted to use the time to keep his emotions in control. As Izuku arrived outside the staff room he saw his uncle... Izuku had mixed emotions about his uncle. He was never in his life after the age of 6 nor did Izuku know why he stopped being in his life. "Izuku...." Aizawa said with a tear going down his face but still had his normal expression on his face but Izuku could see the softness in his eyes.  As Aizawa stood off the wall and straightened up he started to talk. "I'm sorry that I believed their stupid lies when I asked how you were doing. I asked them if you were doing fine or if they needed a babysitter and they always told me they were fine and had it handled... I didn't know that it meant that they gave you a dam bank card and left you alone... I'm sorry nephew that I didn't question them and check in on you in person... I'm sorry I failed you. If you give me the chance I will do better by you." Aizawa said as he walked towards the room leaving Izuku there to his thoughts. Izuku was watching his uncle the entire time for any signs of lying and he saw nothing. "The choice of giving anyone another chance is yours alone. However, it's time to enter the room." Madara said to break Izuku out of his thoughts. 

Izuku straightened up and steeled his expressions and walked into the room to be met with the staff and the two Yagi's. "Hello, Izuku. Thank you for joining us." Nezu stated. Izuku just nodded his head towards Nezu. They were all tense since Izuku wasn't talking, then he did. "May we get to what you want to speak about? I would like to return home at a reasonable time." Izuku stated. Izuku never looked at his biological parents at all the entire time. He just looked straight forward at Nezu and didn't break off from looking. Nezu felt his skin crawl a bit since he felt like he was being stared down by an apex predator (Oh... nezu only if you knew!). Aizawa then spoke up. "Izuku we would like to know what happened after you left. We weren't able to track you down nor did anyone in Japan locate you even though All Might and Telek came out about the neglect." Aizawa stated. Izuku nodded his head. "I'm not going to talk bout everything since it's none of UA's business or anyone else's. I found a new home where I found a master who taught me how to be strong. That is all you need to be concerned about." Izuku stated. Vlad King really didn't like how Izuku was speaking to them and decided to open his mouth. "Kid listen here we are needing more than that. How did you survive? We found no traces of the money you stole from your parents be used at hotels or other places. We found no traces of you being in any city or in the crime world." Vlad King. Izuku just scoffed at the word stolen. "Stole? I didn't steal anything. I was within my legal right to take all that money. It's only theft if you can actually arrest me on it which you can't. They legally gave me the bank card and told me to use it how I saw fit. As such, I highly suggest you be mindful of your words Vlad King." Izuku stated with a cold tone and a glare at the hero who felt a shiver down his spine. 

Aizawa just hid a smirk under his capture gear. Nezu just raised his lips slightly that others wouldn't notice but Izuku did with his eyes. All Might decided to speak up at that point. "Son... that is no way to talk to a hero." He said. Izuku just gave a dark chuckle. "Oh? You act like heroes are to be held as gods and that I should grovel at their feet. Do remember that you have set a horrible standard for heroes for me All Might. Also... never call me your son. I've thrown my former family name away. It's Uchiha Izuku from now on and you are to call me by my last name since we are nothing more than strangers. Do you understand All might? Telek?" Izuku said with a glare. Inko just had some tears going down her eyes. "We are still your parents. We will do better this time around!" Inko stated. It was at that moment a knock happened and in came the detective. "Right on time Detective!" Nezu said. 

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