Chapter 2: Izuku Yagi Childhood

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3rd Pov:

It was early in the morning and the sun was starting to peek over the horizon as it was now time to wake up and go to school. Izuku had just recently turned the age of four. Izuku loved his parents even though one was constantly gone most of the time. Each parent told Izuku that they worked in business and that they would travel for long times around the country or the world for the business. As such, only one parent was typically home in the mornings but they would both be gone during the day since the other parent would work locally until they swapped out. Izuku knew his parents worked hard since they would often return home tired and exhausted as such he always did his best to help his parents when he could by learning how to clean the house and do other chores. 

Izuku was sad that both of his parents weren't always there for the holidays or his birthday but he still loved them because they loved him back. Right? As the days went by Izuku had passed the age of four and his quirk still hasn't come in. As such, when Izuku woke up this early morning he found his mother preparing them for a doctor's appointment instead of going directly to school today. Izuku was happy that they were going to the doctor's office to learn about his quirk. He wonder if it was a mix of his parents which was a telekinetic quirk and a strength boosting quirk. Little Izuku didn't know that his parents were heroes and only assumed they had weaker quirks since they only showed off 'weak' quirks at home. 

The two Yagi's soon finished preparing in the morning and were now driving towards the doctor's office. Izuku was watching as everything passed by the window. He was watching as the people were walking down the street and he was wondering what cool quirk would he get. Unfortunately for Izuku, the world was about to turn on the young boy and he didn't even realize it. As they got out of the car they entered the hospital and filled out the forms and now sat there waiting to be called back by the doctor. 

After about thirty minutes of waiting in the lounge, the nurse walked over and called for them. The nurse then escorted them back to a room near the end of a hallway and placed them inside of a room. The doctor soon came into the room about 3 minutes later and sat down. "Hello, Mrs. Yagi. I'm here to talk to you about your son's results we had done earlier." The doctor said while sitting down and looking at her and Izuku.

" The doctor said while sitting down and looking at her and Izuku

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"Mrs. Yagi... I'm afraid to tell you that your son will not get a quirk. Based on his foot x-ray he has the double toe joint which is only found in quirkless people." The doctor stated as he placed an x-ray onto the screen near them and turned it on. He then started to explain how that as humans evolved for their bodies to have quirks that the body started to get rid of things they deemed unnecessary anymore. One thing was the double toe joint. "This double toe joint means that he has no real chance at developing a quirk. There are rare cases due to trauma or other things but by himself, he will not develop a quirk." The doctor stated.

Izuku just dropped his All Might action figure and looked up at his mother. He asked in a low tone if he could see be a hero and the doctor just told Izuku to give it up and that it was impossible. Inko just grabbed the toy with her quirk a few times like she normally acts with her quirk in front of others and then thanked the doctor and lifted Izuku out of the chair and walked out. The ride home was silent. Izuku wasn't talking since he didn't know what to do now since he didn't have a quirk. He still wanted to be a hero no matter what though but he didn't know how to go about it. Inko was just thinking and had an idea on why Izuku turned quirkless since her husband was naturally quirkless and OFA doesn't pass down through the genes. 

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