"So he's dead?"

"Killed, about a month ago."

"Killed how?"

"Stabbed. Parking lot. Fuzz don't have much- no suspects."

"Alright." Sam nodded and got up, "Thank you."

As he got up to leave, Ash slapped him on the back. When he was out of eyeshot Ash picked up Sams half-full beer and started drinking it.

Ellen called out to him, "Where are you going?"


"Sam?" She called again and he stopped to turn to her, "I've gotta call Angel and Dean, I've gotta let them know where you are."

"Ellen..." He pleaded, "I'm trying to find answers about who I am, and my brother and sister mean well, but... they can't protect me from that. Please."

Ellen nodded reluctantly and watched him walk out.

In the Carey house...

Sam sat with Scott's father in his living room, talking.

"So you say you went to high school with Scott?"

"Uh, yes sir, I did. I just heard about what happened... I'm so sorry."

"Scotty was a good boy. He changed a lot since you knew him."

"What do you mean?"

"It started about a year ago with these headaches. And then he got depressed, paranoid... nightmares."

"Nightmares?" Sam carefully pressed, "Um, did he ever talk to you about his nightmares? What he saw, or..."

"No, no. He closed up with me. I tried to get him help, but nothing took. He'd just lock himself in his room for days."

"You think maybe I could see his room?"

In Scott's room...

Sam poked around the room which consisted of a bare bed with a sleeping bag, some bookshelves covered in books and cassette tapes. On the bedside table he saw several bottles of pills, prescribed by Dr. George Waxler. Sam looked behind him, then pocketed one bottle. He opened Scott's closet and shoved aside the clothes to reveal a collage of yellow eyed cut out of photos or magazines, glued to the wall. He stared at them in shock.

At the Blue Rose Motel...

Sam walked across the parking lot. As he got to the door he sensed he was being followed. With a quickness, he turned and grabbed the figure behind him, shoving her against the wall. It was Ava.

Sam glared, "Who are you?"

"Please!" She whimpered, "You're in danger."

Later on...

"Okay, look..." Once inside the motel room Ava paced somewhat frantically, "I know how all this sounds, but I am not insane and I am not on drugs. Okay? I am normal, and this is way, way off the map for me."

"Alright, alright, just calm down. Okay?" Sam studied her, "What's your name?"



"Ava Wilson."

"Ava, I'm Sam Winchester, alright?" He nodded before getting to business, "Now, you were telling me about these dreams of yours?"

The Winchester Three (S2): Crossroad BluesWhere stories live. Discover now