what do we do now?

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Louis pov

We're connected in an entrancing state for what feels like the longest but also shortest moment ever when someone bangs on the bedroom door.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

I get up from the bed already annoyed cause I had to walk away from Krista. I open the door and see Liam standing there.

"What the fuck do you want?" I say

"Your seven minutes is up come back downstairs " he was grinning

I roll my eyes and look at Krista who seems as pissed as me " we will be down in a minute"

" Don't be to long we are about to start the game back up" he says while walking away

I shut the door and walk back over to Krista who is messing with her necklace.

"I'm sorry but we have to go back down if you want we can finish this later"

" Sounds good" she says standing up and heading to the door not saying anything else

We get back downstairs and take our seats seeing that harry and dakota are back also.

"Let's continue this game shall we" niall says while picking up he drink and drinking the rest

" Yeah why not but let's try to stay away from making people bleed why don't we " harry says while looking at Luke

All luke does is chuckle and look away.

We start the game back and the first dare was for liam who had to text a random person in his phone who the girl picked out and ask them out. The girls picked out his friend maya and he texted her but she didn't text back. The next dare was for Krista who had to chug a half bottle of vodka which she did of course.

Cheyenne's pov

Ughh I'm getting tired of this game I just want to go up to the room and go to sleep but of course we can't. I sit back on the couch and close my eyes and just relax when I heard my name from Niall.

" Cheyenne your turn for a dare and I dare you to have our own seven minutes in heaven" niall says

I keep my eyes closed and answer him " definitely not" I say

" What do you mean definitely not" he says with anger in his voice

" I mean I'm not doing that niall let it go " I say looking at him

Next thing I know I'm getting jerked up by niall and dragged to another room.

" Niall what the fuck are you doing" I say while trying to get away from

He doesn't say anything and continues to drag me till we suddenly stop and I notice we are in the room where harry and luke took me and dakota to when they beat the shit out of dakota bad made me watch.

"Nail please don't do this we can talk this out" I say while backing away from him

"There is nothing to talk about you broke on of the rules and your getting a punishment so shut up!" He says angrily

"Niall please don't " I say in tears

"Will you shut the fuck up" he says while getting stuff out of the closet

I sit in the corner knowing I screwed up and there is no way out of this even when I beg. He walks over to me with the same whip they hit dakota with

"Please niall please don't do this please put it back " I say in tears

"Yeah your right we don't need this silly thing" he says tossing the whip to the side " I can just beat the shit out of you with out anything"

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