After the phone call, I checked my appearance in the mirror and brushed my fingers through my hair lightly. I was already dressed from when I had to talk with Nathan. So now all I was doing was waiting, my mind raced from the unwanted insecure thoughts that filled my head. I checked my phone when it dinged, somewhere in me hoped it was Nathan, that was stupid. It was Gracie though, telling me that she'd be home and I hesitantly told her of my plans.

Not soon later, I got a knock on my door that made me jump. I skipped downstairs anxiously as I opened the door. Once our eyes met, I felt my mouth go dry and he took a step back to allow me out of the house. The obvious tension in the air took the ability to speak from the both of us. Especially the car ride to his house that only provoked it further.

His hands gripped the steering wheel, his rings shining against the light. I eyed his black rose ring, it was so pretty. When the car pulled up to his all too familiar mansion, he got out and opened my door for me.

After we were inside, he lead me to the living room, "The kitchen is still a mess." he murmured, which peaked my curiosity of what even happened to it in the first place.

We sat on the couch and he sat on another one, distancing himself, "Do you really have feelings for Nathan?" he suddenly asked, cutting right through the tension and getting right to the point.

I turned my head to meet his questioning gaze that lingered on my features, "I do." I mumbled.

"Why?" I sighed at his question, that seemed to have an edge to it.

"Do you really want to hear all of this, I wouldn't think you'd want too." I stated.

"Yes." he answered, his orbs looked curious but, a hint of sadness lurked around them.

It was shocking to see.

I looked down at my hands, "He was there for me, like really there, he makes me laugh and especially did so when I'd be hurting about you." I explained, drifting my eyes back up to him, his jaw was locked and he was now staring at the wall ahead of him.

I suddenly felt really bad but, "What about you and Mads?" I questioned, watching as his head snapped in my direction.

"What do you mean?" he seemed confused, "I've never had feelings for Mads ever."

Hearing his claim made my heart lighten up and the fear of him actually liking Mads wasn't there anymore. Knowing he doesn't makes me feel a lot better but, it didn't take away my insecurities.

"I just thought since you kissed her and all.." I trailed off lowly, seeking confirmation that the kiss was just a kiss.

"The only reason I kissed her was to try and deny any feelings I had for you." he blurted, making me look over at him to see he had conflict written all over his features.

"Why were you trying to deny your feelings for me?" I questioned, needing to know the full truth before I decided anything.

His eyes turned away from mine and I heard him clear his throat, "I didn't want to have feelings for you, I've never." he sighed in obvious frustration, "I've never had feelings for someone like I do you and I guess it scared me."

I took in his words that made me light up because, the Liam was actually telling me he had feelings for me, "And that's why you kissed Mads because, you were scared?" I closed my eyes tightly at the thought of them together.

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