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"I told you, Jen. Boys are of the same color. Look what happened to you! You gave your all to that stupid jerk because of his promise of forever and now what? He just left like that?! He freaking left! And worst?! He cheated on you. He freaking cheated on you with your bitch excuse of a friend! And now you're crying because of him? Really?! Really Jen?! I mean, come on. Get over that jerk already!"

You're probably wondering why I'm blabbering here. You see, my stupid excuse of a bestfriend is crying because her stupid boyfriend cheated on her with her friend.

This is the problem of giving your whole heart to to someone. You trust them with your fragile heart and you give them the power to break it into pieces. And those jerks, of course, chose to break it because, why not? They can have all the girls in the world because they're the one doing all the courting stuffs. My point is, why do others choose this kind of path? Give your whole heart out just to have it returned broken into pieces? I mean, that's just absurd. No, crash that out. It's plain stupidity!

I know I sound bitter or immature but hey, that's the simple truth about loving. Yes, you will experience happiness along the way but that happiness cannot compare to the pains and sorrows love can give.

"It hurts Ky. It hurts so much! I gave him everything he ever could've asked from a girlfriend. I was there for him through all his ups and downs. I even deny myself my happiness just so I'll be able to abide by his rules! I even changed myself! I fucking changed just for him! And now, he has the guts to cheat on me with that.. With that bitch?! It hurts Ky. Just.. Just kill me now. Please."

"Woah. Woah! Stop it right there missy! Don't you ever think of killing yourself just to escape the pain you're experiencing now. Don't give that jerk the satisfaction of seeing you be thrown out of your world just because he broke your heart. You're better than that, Jen. I know you are."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Let's make that douche pay for everything he'd done to you. Show him you're better off without him."

"How do I do that? I mean, I'm just the plain and simple Jen who fell helplessly inlove with that stupid guy."

"Says who? Who says you're just plain and simple? I swear, after I'm done with you, you'll never think low of yourself again."

"Thank you, Ky. You're the best!"

And with that, she enveloped me into this bone-crushing hug. I just hope this will be the last time I'm going to deal with this kind of drama.

Don't get me wrong. I love my bestfriend. It just irritates the hell out of me seeing her suffer from the pain of having a brokenheart because of that jerk. I swear to God, if I ever saw his face again, I'm gonna beat the shit out of him! And I'm not even joking.

* * *

"You know, I'm still hurting but what the hell?! I'm not gonna cry my eyeballs out just because of that stupid guy!"

"That's the spirit! I know you'll get through it."

"Thanks by the way."

"Thanks for what?"

"Thanks for always cheering me up in times like this. And for not giving up on me even though I know how much you hate drama queens."

"Are you kidding me? Why would I give up on you? You know I always have your back."

"Thanks Ky. Come on. Let's roam around the mall for some major shopping."

We squeeled as we entered the mall. It's Saturday so the place is full. We went directly to one of our favorite stalls; H&M. This is our refuge whenever we feel down. It seems like the clothes always know a way to cheer us up.

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