My friends come over with a wet rag at the ready. "How can you do that you can't even see them?" Liam asks.

I sigh wiping the blood off my daggers. "I told you before when one sense is gone you have to rely on the others so I do. I listen to their movements feeling how the wind shifts. It's something only vampires can do to a major extent but it takes a lot of training."

He nods walking to the decks. He starts talking away about the amount of training put in for blindfold fighting again, he talks about this every day after my training season.

I Watch from the top of the cliff as the witch's army gets closer. Our scouts spotted them coming this way in the morning and by the looks of it, she brought over five hundred little minions, all to get me. "You ready?" Diana asks walking to stand beside me.

I sigh adjusting the sword at my belt "as much as I can be."

She nods, she is dressed in dark white and gets up with her bow in her hand. She is one of the flyers, she may not have wings but she is the best shooter we have. I made a platform of air for her to move freely on like some other air casters have done for others. Her clothes help her blend into the sky.

I am dressed in my signature black. A long black coat that hugs my sides looks slightly medieval but is easy to move in as the bottom part past my waist is loose also hiding my weapons. Black pants are scattered with hidden weapons in the pockets. My army boats have two small throwing knives in the heals. All in all, I look like a dark assassin.

Pulling my hood over my head my face disappears under it. Looking at Diana I nod before jumping off the cliff to the ground with the rest of my team. "You know the plan," I say nodding to the other teams around me "let's win this thing." Every cheer as the sky team goes into the air hiding in the clouds.

I run through the trees encasing them in darkness. Only our people can see inside the trees giving us the advantage. I spot the witch at the front of the group surrounded by my guess her best fighters. The head demon stands at her side his body rigged as they stop ten feet from the gate. "I have come to collect someone," the witch calls.

The bowman stands at the ready arrows drawn. Melanie steps out looking down at the older woman "we know who you have come for and you can not have her."

The witches face darkness "what if I promise you peace and prosperity for all supernatural kind."

Melanie's eyes turn to steal "we don't need your tainted peace, we have peace here already."

The witch grins evilly "as you say then if you don't give me the girl you will watch your people die."

"You can not have her," Melanie says.

"So be it," the witch hisses. In one hand gesture, all hell breaks loose. People charge at the gates getting cut down by our bowman.

Casters drop to the ground raising rocks and throwing them at the oncoming attackers. Vampires at the sides start going into the forest not caring for the darkness. One walks under the tree I am perched on. Shooting out a branch enters their heart killing them instantly. Multiple cries sound from the trees around me luckily none from our people.

The front line runs on from the trees attacking as arrows and lightning rain down from the sky. Cries of pain quickly absorb the once quiet atmosphere. Blood flies everywhere covering the ground in red. My team and I scatter in the trees shooting arrows at the people when necessary.

Running out of the trees I begin to take down the people at the back of the group miles away from the gates by now. More vampires from my team join me as we ever so slowly pick off the back. I spot fire and water flair up into the sky. I don't know how much time passed as we worked but it was long enough for me to begin to get tired.

"Hello Kaindra," turning around I stop. The witch stands behind me alone. We are at least two miles away from the gate, why is she here? "I see you have been busy," she says looking at the bodies scattered around us. I motion for my team to continue as I walk closer to the witch.

"What are you doing here?" I hiss.

She stands there calmly with her hands behind her back. "Well I came for your child, I have to say I am impressed I didn't think there was a way to stop my poison but you did it. Making more casters at that."

I go to attack her but she raises a hand "I wouldn't do that if I were you." I stand back keeping my blade raised "well you can if you don't mind your friends dying that is."

She waves her hand to the sky. I look up spotting Diana kneeling as she aims her bow. I look at the witch confused. She motions again as I see Damon and Eric fighting on the front lines with Lucifer. Each time I look back at the witch she points out more of my friends.

"What are you planning?" I ask after she points out Enya at the gates.

She smiles the perfect picture of innocents on her aged face "nothing dear child. But I wouldn't recommend doing anything to me, you see I have every one of your friends targeted all I need to do is give the signal and my men will do the rest."

"You're bluffing I made sure they were safe."

Her smile turns slightly feral "I know but every safety measure has a weak point, not even you can stop that."

I snarl lunging I bounce back as I hit a shield "aa child you really shouldn't have done that. You know why I waited so long to come back here?" I don't answer as I lung at her again. "I waited so you would tire and when you tire you weaken and when you are weakened it makes it easier for me to do this."

She raises her hand putting down two fingers. Turning around I see Damon, Eric, and Lucifer get swarmed all of sudden by dozens of people over and over again. They look so tired of trying to fight them all at once. Someone swoops down at Diana knocking her over to the ground.

The same demon who hit Diana nocks Enya off the wall before the others can catch her. Everything goes in slow motion as I watch my friends fall under the weight of the people. I look around watching our people get knocked down under the constant onslaught of the dozens of the witch's minions.

"No," I whisper feeling the weight of each person as they all struggle for their life. I watch as Enya gets caught but is now on the ground having to physically fight off the people at such a young age. "No," I fall to my knees.

I feel a hand fall on my shoulder as I drop my head "it's okay child I told you this would happen. Don't worry once they are all gone you won't have to worry about them anymore and you can do whatever I wa-."

My hand shoots out grasping her throat. Standing up I keep a firm hold on her throat as she tries to push me back. "No," that's all I say as my grip tightens crushing her throat in my hands. She gurgles as I keep my eyes locked on hers "I will never join you." Squeezing her throat crumbles under my hand.

For a second everything is silent around me as the fight goes on. The witch falls limp in my hand. Dropping her body I watch her lying there lifeless "you should have to keep your shield up." Stepping over her body I walk towards the fighters.

The shadows ripple around my blood-covered form as I dragged my powers up. Walking into the fight I discard my weapons using the elements alone. Screaming I let all my power, my fears, my hate out in one big wave. Everything falls silent as I fall to my knees my energy drained.

Falling onto my side I fight to stay conscious blinking my eyes as the edges go black. Slowly I hear bodies fall to the ground, hundreds of them.

Running footsteps come my way but I stay laying there on the ground unable to move. Seconds later the lights went out.

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