Chapter 11: The Return & Found!?

Start from the beginning

They were guided to an assembly room where all of the exam takers sat down. What Izuku did notice was one blond-haired kid in the room with him. 'To think he was here... always getting out of punishments aren't we Bakugo but no matter. I really hope we are in the same class so I can show you I will never bow again.' Izuku thought. The blond had noticed the black hair boy as well and had many thoughts going through his head. 'Izuku... so you are alive...' Bakugo thought. He always hated the feeling of hopelessness that he found himself in when he could no longer control his life as he had before. People no longer looked up at him due to his quirk and raw talent of being a hero. Instead, they looked at him with pity, with disgust. Just like how they looked at Izuku and Bakugo hated the feeling. His parents forced him into anger management and therapy. It has calmed down his issues for the most part but there were times he would revert back to his past self and lash out. He still called people horrible nicknames and said he would become the number one regardless of what other people thought of him but he was less... less explosive at people most of the time. It was a tamed down version of his old self. 

Soon though everyone was paying attention to the staff person that came upon the stage. Izuku was listening in to the staff person who turned out to be Present Mic. He lifted the brochure in front of his face to hide it so Present Mic had a less chance of spotting him and calling him to the side before the exam started. As he listens he already read the brochure which had listed some key information about switches to turn robots off... Izuku had an evil idea! Madara just chucked when he read his student's mind. Izuku planned to limit himself and only use his enhanced chakra strength. Even without it, he could still damage the robots but with it, he could just rip heads off of the robots. 'I wonder what they will think when they see me just using what they assume is natural body strength which will make me appear quirkless!' thought Izuku. Soon the announcer was cut off by a kid with glasses that looked like a rich kid. The kid asked a question about the last robot and how there was an error if there were only three since Present Mic hadn't talked about the last one yet. The kid also pointed out how Izuku had his face in the pamphlet the entire time and said if he wasn't going to pay attention then he should leave. Izuku just ignored him and kept his face in the paper. The kid only got more annoyed at this display. Present mic put a stop to it though and corrected the kid. 

Soon everyone was dismissed to their test site. Izuku discovered that he was placed in the same site as the rich kid with blue hair that called him out earlier. Izuku started to move towards the front of the people so he could run in when it started. As he started to move forward a hand came unto his shoulder. "You! If you are here to just waste time then you shouldn't be here and ruin other people's chances!" the blue hair kid said. Izuku just turned his head and glared. Unknown to everyone is that he had his Sharingan activate but it was hidden due to a simple Genjutsu that Madara had taught him to change his eyes appearance. The reason for this is because they wanted to hide his eyes for as long as possible but still be able to use them freely. The blue hair kid just stiffened as he felt like he was being stared at by death itself. 

Izuku just walked away since the other person didn't talk anymore. Soon, Izuku made his way up to the front of the pack and stood next to a girl with purplish hair and had two plug-like earphone jacks hanging from each of her earlobes at the end of two thin cords that looked like they could extend a certain distance. Izuku was interested in how that type of quirk worked. Though he turned his head back towards the gate. Izuku noticed Present Mic walking on the wall and then he screamed go right as the gate open. Everyone was confused by Izuku who ran in. The girl noticed and followed behind him which amused Izuku since she was smart enough to pay attention to her surroundings since she heard him move.

Everyone was yelling at them for starting before it was time but after about 1 minute in Present Mic yelled for everyone to get moving. "There isn't a countdown in heroics! It's life or death people!" Mic yelled. Though by this time the two people inside had already scored some points before anyone else ran in. 

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